How many squatter monkeys are there?

How many squatter monkeys are there?

thirteen monkeys
Search for the Squatter Monkeys . They will automatically be brought to the woman. Once all thirteen monkeys have been found she will give the player the Chaos Maelstrom Garment Grid.

Where are the squatter monkeys?

The Squatter Monkeys (モンキー, Monkī?) are an animal found in Spira, the world of Final Fantasy X and its related titles. They live in Kilika Woods and are also found in Zanarkand Dome in Final Fantasy X-2.

How do I get to Kilika Woods?

Go towards the village to see Yuna perform the Sending for those that had died in the attack. After waking up in the Inn, go towards the right and talk to Wakka. The path to Kilika Woods is to the left. After Tidus saves the little girl on the way, back track to the Residential Area and enter the Tavern.

Where is Dona in Kilika?

Head into the hut to find Lady Dona. Speak to her to learn a little about what you just witnessed and then move on up the stairs in her house to the upper level. There will be a chest here containing 1500 Gil.

Should I fight Ochu FFX?

Data. Lord Ochu is an Ochu-type fiend in Final Fantasy X found sleeping at a crossroads in the Kilika Woods. The fight can be avoided by taking a different route, but courageous players can approach and awaken the monster.

Where is the luck sphere in Kilika Woods?

Continue north until you get to crossroads, then keep going north until you get back to the main path. Once you’re on that trail, venture north and west to come across another chest that has a Luck Sphere in it. This is a sphere you can use on a blank spot on the Sphere Grid, turning it into a Luck +4 node.

How do you defeat Sinspawn in Geneaux?

Sinspawn Geneaux uses both poisonous attacks and water-based spells. To combat this have Yuna use Esuna or an Antidote to fight off the Poison and Null-Tide can be cast to negate the effect of a Water spell for one round.

How do you get the Samurai Dressphere?

The Samurai is a dressphere in Final Fantasy X-2. It is obtained in Kilika Temple in Chapter 3 in the area before facing Ifrit, or in a treasure chest in the temple’s Chamber of the Fayth in Chapter 5 if missed during Chapter 3.

How do you beat Ysls zero?

It can be brought down quickly by hitting it with strong physical attacks, or by using Armor Break. It is advised to carry several healing items and to keep HP above half at all times.

Can you defeat Lord Ochu?

To avoid this, summon Valefor and let him take the hit. With a little bit of plugging (and perhaps a bit of grinding of the monsters around Kilika) you should be able to kill the Lord Ochu eventually. Tip: You can run away from the fight with Lord Ochu. Only your pride will be hurt.

Where is Garuda FFX?

They can be found anywhere along the Mushroom Rock Road. They tend to be more easy to find along the later sections of the pathway, especially on the elevated portions of the road near the elevators.

What is Magicide ffx2?

Magicide. Revert one enemy’s attributes to normal levels. Sparkler. 40. 12.

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