Is Solus Prime a girl?

Is Solus Prime a girl?

Solus Prime is one of the Thirteen created by Primus. Solus is a female Prime and is the maker of ancient Cybertronian weapons and relics. The arsenal of magnificent weaponry and icons wielded by the original Primes are her most impressive handiwork, created by an icon of her own, the Forge of Solus Prime.

Who killed Solus Prime?

It was the Requiem Blaster, fired accidentally at Solus by Megatronus, that killed her. Near the dawn of time, while the Thirteen were struggling with the threat of Unicron, Megatronus commissioned Solus Prime to create a weapon of incredible destruction to use against the Chaos Bringer.

What is the Forge of Solus Prime?

The Forge of Solus Prime is the symbol of office of the master-artificer of the Thirteen. It resembles a huge hammer wielded by its creator, Solus Prime. It was used to craft all other ancient artifacts of the Thirteen and could even craft the core components of a Cybertronian body from scratch.

Is Solus Prime dead?

Their disagreement eventually grew into a full-fledged fight after Megatronus killed her pet, which had secretly been recording Solus Prime’s actions. In the chaos, Megatronus fired the Requiem Blaster without thinking, fatally wounding Solus Prime. Before Solus passed away, however, she professed her love for him.

Who was prime after Rodimus?

Rodimus Prime would disagree, however, for when the nascent leader was seemingly fatally wounded during The Five Faces Of Darkness, it was Springer he attempted to pass the Matrix onto. While Rodimus thankfully recovered, its not hard to see why he chose Springer as his successor.

Does bumblebee have the Forge of Solus Prime?

However, it’s possible that Bumblebee got his hands on the #ForgeOfSolusPrime, which inadvertently fixed Bee’s voice module. Bee did use a hammer that looks awfully like the Forge to battle Optimus with, so there’s a good chance that the Forge ended up helping Bumblebee in more ways than one.

Who Killed Nexus Prime?

Aligned novels Megatronus killed Solus Prime in an act of rage, one that drove a wedge between the remaining Thirteen..

Who turned Optimus Prime Evil?

If Earth dies, Cybertron lives, she convinces him. Quintessa then, somehow, wields control over Optimus, turning him into the villainous Nemesis Prime.

Where does Solus Prime take Optimus and his Autobots?

A semi-sentient hologram of Solus Prime appeared and warned Optimus and his Autobots to leave. Solus Prime directed them towards a Space Bridge which would take them to the location of the lost Requiem Blaster. Exiles I’m a godly being from the dawn of creation… but I’m not the first female Prime?!

Who is the creator of Solus Prime in Transformers?

Solus Prime is one of the Thirteen created by Primus. Solus is a female Prime and is the maker of ancient Cybertronian weapons and relics. The arsenal of magnificent weaponry and icons wielded by the original Primes are her most impressive handiwork, created by an icon of her own, the Forge of Solus Prime.

What kind of items does Solus Prime have?

Solus Prime has created many legendary powerful items, including: 1 Star Saber (with Optimus) 2 Requiem Blaster 3 Chimera Stone 4 Apex Armor (in Miko’s care) 5 Infinite Combinatoric 6 Chaos Edge 7 Cyber Caliber 8 Quill More

Where did Solus Prime go after Maximo’s death?

Solus’s body returned to the core of Cybertron and Primus, and the passage it left behind became the Well of All Sparks. Following the death of Liege Maximo, the surviving Primes built a tomb in her memory, far away from Cybertron. There, they held a funeral for their fallen comrade.

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