Can rebuttal be used as a verb?

Can rebuttal be used as a verb?

verb (used with object), re·but·ted, re·but·ting. to refute by evidence or argument. to oppose by contrary proof.

What is the verb of rebuttal?

: to prove to be wrong by argument or by proof. rebut. transitive verb. re·​but | \ ri-ˈbət \ rebutted; rebutting.

What does it mean to rebuttal someone?

When two people debate, one of them makes an argument, and the other follows with a rebuttal, which, plainly put, is the “no, you’re wrong and this is why” argument.

Is rebut formal?

Rebut is defined as to contradict or oppose. An example of rebut is to debate against a pro choice argument in a formal debate. To repel or reject. in a formal manner by argument, proof, etc., as in a debate.

Which is the best definition of rebuttal?

Which is the most effective rebuttal to this counterclaim? Which is the best definition of rebuttal? an explanation of why an opposing argument is false. Pedro is writing an essay arguing that students should be taught proper nutrition in school. Which claim is most effective for his argument?

What is the best definition of rebuttal?

What is rebuttal sentence?

Definition of Rebuttal. an account that is written or stated to contradict another idea. Examples of Rebuttal in a sentence. 1. Since the defense attorney did not have a rebuttal to the prosecutor’s statement, he was unable to make the jury believe his client’s alibi.

What refuted means?

1 : to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous. 2 : to deny the truth or accuracy of refuted the allegations. Other Words from refute Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About refute.

What is refuting argument mean?

1 : to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous. 2 : to deny the truth or accuracy of refuted the allegations.

Can you give a sentence with the word rebuttal?

Rebuttal in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…) 1. His rebuttal appeared in yesterday’s op-ed. 2. The accusations met with a firm rebuttal. 3. She issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the company’s accusations. 4. He is conducting a point-by-point rebuttal of charges from former colleagues.

Definition of rebuttal : the act of rebutting especially in a legal suit; also : argument or proof that rebuts : the act or procedure of rebutting; also : evidence or argument that rebuts

What is another word for rebuttal?

rebuttal(noun) the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument. Synonyms: rebutter. rebutter, rebuttal(noun) (law) a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff’s surrejoinder. Synonyms: confuter, rebutter, refuter, disprover.

What does rebuttal mean writing?

Rebuttal is a literary technique in which a speaker or writer uses argument and presents reasoning or evidence intended to undermine or weaken the claim of an opponent.

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