Can viral fever last for 6 days?

Can viral fever last for 6 days?

Symptoms can begin about 1 to 4 days, or an average of 2 days, after a person is first exposed to the influenza virus. Fever and other symptoms can usually last up to 7 to 10 days, but the cough and weakness may last 1 to 2 weeks longer.

Is it normal for a toddler to have a fever for a week?

Risk factors for worrisome fevers include age under 2 years (infants and toddlers) or recurrent fevers lasting more than one week. Fever may indicate the presence of a serious illness, but usually, a fever is caused by a common infection, most of which are not serious.

How long should a fever last in 2 year old?

But if you follow some simple rules you’ll make them more comfortable and keep them safe. Fever is a defense against infection. Your child’s body is raising its temperature to kill the germs. In most cases it’s harmless and goes away on its own in 3 days.

Is it OK to have a fever for 7 days?

Most fevers usually go away by themselves after 1 to 3 days. A persistent or recurrent fever may last or keep coming back for up to 14 days. A fever that lasts longer than normal may be serious even if it is only a slight fever.

Is it normal to have a fever for 10 days?

Persistent (chronic) fevers are typically defined as fevers lasting more than 10 to 14 days. A fever can mean a lot of different things, but most low-grade and mild fevers are nothing to worry about. Most often, an increase in body temperature is a normal response to an infection, like a cold or the flu.

How can I reduce fever in my 2 yr old?

Your child is more than 2 years old, and the fever lasts more than 72 hours. Breaking a fever can take time. If your little one is experiencing symptoms, try these home remedies to help reduce your baby’s fever. A lukewarm sponge bath (stop if your child starts to shiver).

What temp is considered a fever in a 2 year old?

Temperatures of up to 102.5 F if your child is 3 months to 3 years of age, or up to 103 F if your child is older. These temperatures can be common, but not necessarily worrisome. Low-grade fevers if your infant or child was recently immunized. These can be normal if they last less than 48 hours.

What is considered a temp for a 2 year old?

For a 2 year old, rectally, a fever is considered “low-grade” until 104.1 degrees, Fahrenheit, or 102.1 degrees, Fahrenheit for more than 48 hours.

How do you know if your baby has a fever?

You will usually be able to tell if your baby has a fever just by touching her. Her skin will feel hotter than usual. You can feel her forehead, or if she’s younger than three months, feel her tummy or back. Your baby may also have flushed cheeks, and feel clammy, damp or sweaty.

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