What is half past 5 o clock?

What is half past 5 o clock?

It is half past five (5:30).

Is half past five in the afternoon or evening?

“Half after five o’clock” is the traditional wording, but if you feel that sounds too formal, you can certainly use “five-thirty in the afternoon” or “in the evening.” Also, “afternoon” is fine, for the reasons you’ve given, even though five-thirty is technically evening.

What is half past 2 o clock?

Half past 2 can also be written as “30 minutes past two” or “two thirty”. We can see that at half past two, the hour hand has moved past the 2 and is exactly half way in between the 2 and the 3. So at half past 8, there are 30 more minutes until 9 o’clock. Here is another example.

What is half past 6 o clock?

When we say, “Half-past 6,” we mean a half-hour. past 6 o’clock, or 30 minutes past 6. 1 hour = 60 minutes. 1/2 hour = 30 minutes.

How do you write 530 on a wedding invitation?

For example, if your wedding is at 5:30 p.m. the traditional wording to use is “half after five o’clock” or “five-thirty in the evening.” If this is too formal for your style, you may write the time simply as 5:30 p.m.

What does half 5 mean?

Unlike the similar-sounding expressions in Dutch and German, “half X” in BrE means half an hour after X o’clock, not half an hour before it. So “half five” means half past 5, or 5:30.

How do you write 5 thirty on a wedding invitation?

What is half past1?

it’s half 1 (UK), it’s half past 1 (UK, US): It’s thirty minutes past 1 o’clock (13.30 or 01.30) idiom. Note that half 1 is a British expression. In the U.S.A they use half after 1 or half past 1.

What is a half past 8?

Similarly half after eight = 8:30 in some parts of the USA, while they say half past eight or eight thirty elsewhere. There various ways to say 8:45 – quarter of nine is used in some areas of the USA, and quarter til nine, quarter to nine, or eight forty-five in others.

What does half past three mean on a clock?

Half past refers to time on a clock. Half past three would also be known as 3:30. What mean by half past in time? 30 minutes past the hour. How long is it from half past 1 to 5 minutes past 6?

What’s the correct time to say half after five?

A: “Half after five o’clock” is the traditional wording, but if you feel that sounds too formal, you can certainly use “five-thirty in the afternoon” or “in the evening.” Also, “afternoon” is fine, for the reasons you’ve given, even though five-thirty is technically evening.

Is it 5 o’clock in the afternoon or evening?

Here is the traditional rule: it is 5 o’clock in the afternoon. actually, technically, anything up to and including 5:59 pm is afternoon, 6pm begins evening. Furthermore, is 430 pm in the afternoon or evening?

What does half five mean in British English?

The expression is thought of in a different way in British English. “Half five” is just a colloquial way of saying “half past five”, with the word “past” being implied, i.e. an hour more than speakers of other languages would assume.

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