How do I check if a company is registered in Russia?

How do I check if a company is registered in Russia?

The business information on the Russian companies is available at the resources of the Interfax Agency – (for free as a guest, as a registered user – by subscription; English version is available) and at

What is a JSC in Russia?

A joint-stock company (JSC) is defined by Russian law as an entity whose authorized capital is divided into shares. These shares are owned by the company’s shareholders. A JSC discloses only its founding shareholders on its Russia Federal Tax Registry corporate record.

What does AO mean in Russian?

Joint-stock company
Choosing the type of legal entity for your company in Russia Foreign companies usually choose any of the following 4 types of legal entities to be represented in Russia: Joint-stock company (AO), limited liability company (OOO), representative office or branch.

What is OOO for a Russian company?

limited liability
An OOO (in Russian “Obchtchestvo s Ogranitschennoy Otvetstvennostuy”) is a company with limited liability, whose charter capital is split into shares. It is a form of commercial legal entity established in Russia that obtains its legal capacity through registration with the respective state authorities.

What is Ogrn number in Russia?

OGRN – Major State Registration Number of the entry made in the Register about formation of a Russian company (consists of 12 digits).

How do I register a company in Russia?

12 Steps to Open a Company in Russia

  1. Determine the Amount of Registered Capital.
  2. Drafting of the LLC Charter.
  3. Hold a General Meeting.
  4. Obtain Notary Translations of Documents.
  5. Legalization or Apostille of the Necessary Documents.
  6. Submit the Registration Form and Documents.

What does OJSC stand for?

open joint-stock company
A public joint-stock company, abbreviated PJSC (Russian: Публичное акционерное общество, abbreviated Russian: ПАО) or open joint-stock company, abbreviated OJSC (Russian: Открытое акционерное общество, abbreviated Russian: ОАО), is a type of company in many successor states of the Soviet Union, in particular in Russia.

What does PAO mean for Russian companies?

public stock company
Under the proposed amendments, there will be three principal forms of commercial companies: the public stock company (publichnoye aktsionernoye obschestvo, or PAO), the nonpublic stock company (nepublichnoye aktsionernoye obschestvo, or NAO), and the limited liability company (obschestvo s ogranichenii otvestvenosstiu.

What is the meaning of OOO?

Out of Office
OoO, an abbreviation for Out of Office, a phrase often used in professional contexts to indicate that someone is unavailable for work (usually because they are on vacation)

Can I open a company in Russia?

To open a business account in Russia, you will need the following: Incorporation Certificate and Tax Certificate from the FTS. Founding documents of your business. Your Russian business license (if applicable for your business)

How can a foreigner register a company in Russia?

According to lawyer Alexei Tarasov from the Moscow-based European Law Services, to register such a business you would need to submit a notarized translation of a passport, a document specifying place of residence (i.e. residence permit or temporary residence permit), and a receipt of a state fee payment (800 rubles or …

What is closed joint-stock company?

Shareholders: Minimum of two shareholders. A closed JSC may be incorporated with a single shareholder if the JSC is owned by a government-related body or its share capital is SAR 5 million or more. 25% of a JSC’s capital must be paid up at the time of incorporation and the balance must be paid up within five years.

Where is OJSC-grozneftegaz main office in Russia?

OJSC-Grozneftegaz is an enterprise in Russia, with the main office in Groznyi. The enterprise operates in the Crude Petroleum Extraction industry. 01. Providing for Today

What can OJSC do for the plastic industry?

Plastic, OJSC offers ABS plastic materials and parts for automotive and machine production, raw materials for manufacturers of plastic products and the construction industry, safety equipment for mining and construction workers, as well as finished consumer goods.

What kind of company is an open joint stock company?

A public joint-stock company, abbreviated PJSC (Russian: Публичное акционерное общество, abbreviated Russian: ПАО) or open joint-stock company, abbreviated OJSC (Russian: Открытое акционерное общество, abbreviated Russian: ОАО), is a type of company in many successor states of the Soviet Union, in particular in Russia.

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