How do I run a Maven profile?

How do I run a Maven profile?

Profiles can be activated in the Maven settings, via the section. This section takes a list of elements, each containing a profile-id inside. Profiles listed in the tag would be activated by default every time a project use it.

What is a Maven profile?

A profile in Maven is an alternative set of configuration values which set or override default values. Using a profile, you can customize a build for different environments. Profiles are configured in the pom. Then you can run Maven with a command-line flag that tells Maven to execute goals in a specific profile.

What are Maven commands?

Maven Commands

  • mvn clean. This command cleans the maven project by deleting the target directory.
  • mvn compiler:compile. This command compiles the java source classes of the maven project.
  • mvn compiler:testCompile.
  • mvn package.
  • mvn install.
  • mvn deploy.
  • mvn validate.
  • mvn dependency:tree.

How do I change my active profile in Pom?

properties. Create them in the src/main/resources directory of your Maven project, next to the main application. properties file, which you’re going to use later to activate one of the others and to hold values shared by both profiles. Then it’s time to modify your pom.

How do I run a Maven profile in Eclipse?

Here’s how it works : Rather than right-clicking on a project, going to the Properties > Maven page, then manually (mis)typing a list of active or disabled profile, you just use the Ctrl+Alt+P shortcut to open the new Maven Profile selection interface.

How do I run Maven locally?

  1. 6 Answers. 380. See the exec maven plugin.
  2. Edit POM.xml. Add the following property in pom.xml .
  3. Run Command. Now from the terminal, trigger the following command: mvn clean compile exec:java.

Where is Maven command line?

The root Maven directory will contain a folder named \bin, which contains the pivotally important mvn command-line utility. The root Maven directory contains a subfolder named \bin. Add this \bin directory to the OS’ path. This makes the mvn command-line tool universally available to the OS.

What are the stages in Maven?

A Maven phase represents a stage in the Maven build lifecycle.

  • validate: check if all information necessary for the build is available.
  • compile: compile the source code.
  • test-compile: compile the test source code.
  • test: run unit tests.
  • package: package compiled source code into the distributable format (jar, war, …)

How do you configure Maven profiles to load properties based on active profile?

We can do this by following these steps:

  1. Create the development profile and configure it to be active by default. Specify a property called and set its value to ‘dev’.
  2. Create the production profile. Specify a property called and set its value to ‘prod’.
  3. Create the testing profile.

How do I create a spring profile?

The solution would be to create more property files and add the “profile” name as the suffix and configure Spring Boot to pick the appropriate properties based on the profile. Then, we need to create three application. properties : application-dev.

How do I select a profile in Eclipse?

How do you set a profile in Maven?

Profiles are configured in the pom.xml and are given an identifier. Then you can run Maven with a command-line flag that tells Maven to execute goals in a specific profile. The following pom.xml uses a production profile to override the default settings of the Compiler plugin.

How to check Maven package without specifying profiles?

Then, we can run mvn package without specifying the profiles, and we can verify that the integration-test profile is active. However, if we run the Maven command and enable another profile than the activeByDefault profile is skipped. So when we run mvn package -P mutation-tests then only the mutation-tests profile is active.

How to engage a profile in MVN clean install?

You can engage a profile on the command line by supplying a -Pparameter. For example: mvn clean install -DskipTests -PmyProfileName You can also engage a profile Through Maven settings Based on environment variables OS settings Present or missing files Plenty more details in the Maven docs.

How does a portability profile work in Maven?

Portability through Maven Profiles A profile in Maven is an alternative set of configuration values which set or override default values. Using a profile, you can customize a build for different environments. Profiles are configured in the pom.xml and are given an identifier.

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