How easy is it to buy a gun in Victoria?
You can only purchase firearms, ammunition, parts and accessories if you have a current Victorian firearms licence. That licence must allow you to carry and use those items. To purchase a firearm you must also have a Permit to Acquire issued by Victoria Police.
How long does it take to get a firearms Licence in Victoria?
28 days
When we receive your application, there is a legislated waiting period of 28 days for all new licence applications. If you wish to apply for a new firearm licence that we have not outlined above, you cannot apply online. You will need to fill out the relevant form and post it to the Licensing and Regulation Division.
How long does your first PTA take?
For initial PTA’s, there is a mandatory 28 day waiting period from receipt of your application before your PTA can be issued. For second and subsequent PTA’s for the same type of firearm as one already registered to you, there is no waiting period.
Can you carry a gun in Australia?
The lawful ownership and use of handguns for approved purposes has a long history of being well regulated in Australia. Fact: it is illegal to own, use and possess a handgun in Australia without a licence to do so and has been the case long before John Howard and his National Firearms Agreement of 1996.
Do I need a gun licence for an air rifle in Victoria?
Air rifles are a Category A firearm in Victoria. You will need a firearms license to own one. There is no type of air rifle that does not require a license in Victoria.
How long do PTAS last?
90 days
A PTA is valid for 90 days from the date of issue and the expiry date is printed on the PTA. Once the expiry date has passed the PTA is no longer valid and cannot be used to purchase a firearm, nor be extended.
What do you need to own a firearm in Victoria?
You will need: 1 a Victorian firearms licence that permits you to possess, carry or use that category and type of firearm. 2 a permit to acquire which demonstrates your genuine reason for possessing that firearm. 3 a Victorian Licensed Firearms Dealer who can receive the firearm from interstate and act as the agent in transferring… More
When to notify Victoria Police if you borrow a firearm from another state?
If borrowing the firearm from a firearm licence holder in another state or territory, you notify the Licensing and Regulation Division within 7 days of bringing the firearm into Victoria.
How long does it take to get a gun permit in Victoria?
If it is your first firearm, you may need to serve the legislated waiting period before the permit can be issued. Because of this, it is strongly suggested that you submit an application to the Licensing and Regulation Division at least four weeks before you require it.
Do you need a licence to transfer a firearm?
The registered owner’s licence number. The buyer must be correctly licenced to possess, use and carry the firearm. The firearm/s must be transferred between the seller and the buyer through a Licensed Firearms Dealer using a permit to acquire. Can a person advertise a firearm other than the licence owner?