Where can I find historical rainfall data?
First, find the location you need climate data for on the following map: https://www.weather.gov/ and click on that region.
- The Web site of the local WFO will then appear.
- Several links may appear in the Climate section.
- The page that follows will feature numerous categories and links.
What is the average rainfall in Wollongong?
Nearest alternative sites
Statistics | Jan | Annual |
Temperature | ||
Mean rainfall (mm) | 130.3 | 1348.6 |
Decile 5 (median) rainfall (mm) | 109.8 | 1316.1 |
Mean number of days of rain ≥ 1 mm | 10.5 | 101.0 |
What is the lowest temperature recorded in Wollongong?
Min temp history
Coldest ever | 8.9° | 16/11/2006 |
Coldest this year | 6.5° | 11/06/2021 |
Coldest this month | 14.1° | 01/11/2021 |
Long term average | 15.8° | |
Average this month | 14.1° |
Does it rain a lot in Wollongong?
The rainfall in Wollongong is significant, with precipitation even during the driest month. The average annual temperature is 17.1 °C | 62.8 °F in Wollongong. The rainfall here is around 1097 mm | 43.2 inch per year.
How long does it take to get data from NOAA?
The normal response time for orders is 24-36 hours, but a large number of requests for data can cause the delays in processing. Larger orders may also take additional processing time.
How do you gather weather data?
Collecting Data Other weather devices are needed to collect weather data in the atmosphere. They include weather balloons, satellites, and radar (Figure below). Weather stations collect data on land and sea. Weather balloons, satellites, and radar collect data in the atmosphere.
Where are the weather stations in Wollongong NSW?
Most observations from Bellambi, which is about 7 km north of the Wollongong city centre. Temperature, humidity, wind, cloud and rainfall observations are from Bellambi AWS {station 068228}.
How to find local weather stations in QLD?
Qld. Forecast Areas Map Use either the Text search OR the Map search to find local weather stations. You can get daily and monthly statistics, historical weather observations, rainfall, temperature and solar tables, graphs and data. For additional data types, or specifc dates and localities go to: Weather Station Directory
Are there daily weather observations in New South Wales?
Daily Weather Observations are also routinely prepared for hundreds of other locations in New South Wales and across Australia. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us.
Where is Albion Park west of Wollongong NSW?
Albion Park is about 25 km southwest of Bellambi (and 18 km from Wollongong), and the pressure there will sometimes be markedly different. You should read the important information in these notes. To print this page, get the PDF version (one page, 45 kb ).