What is the difference between lilac and Syringa?

What is the difference between lilac and Syringa? To clear up any confusion, there is no difference between a lilac bush and a lilac tree, they are the same plant just called by different names. Some lilacs flower two weeks earlier, including Syringa x hyacinthiflora varieties and these are often referred to as early flowering […]

What is the working principle of BLDC motor?

What is the working principle of BLDC motor? BLDC motor works on the principle similar to that of a Brushed DC motor. The Lorentz force law which states that whenever a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field it experiences a force. As a consequence of reaction force, the magnet will experience an equal […]

How did Nick Vujicic lose his arms and legs?

How did Nick Vujicic lose his arms and legs? ‘” For the past 15 years, the Australian-born Vujicic, whose lack of arms and legs is the result of an extremely rare congenital condition called Tetra-amelia syndrome, has used his humor and faith to inspire millions of people. “My wife is my miracle,” says Vujicic, who […]

Que encontro Rafa Taibo?

¿Que encontró Rafa Taibo? Taibo asegura haber encontrado un extraño objeto enterrado donde falleció Colmenares. En sus redes sociales el presentador escribió: “Este objeto reposaba semi enterrado en el interior del túnel Colmenares, en el caño del Virrey”. ¿Quién fue el culpable de la muerte de Colmenares? El 23 de noviembre del 2016 la fiscal […]

How much does a small geothermal system cost?

How much does a small geothermal system cost? It costs $10,000 to $30,000 depending on your soil conditions, plot size, system configuration, site accessibility and the amount of digging and drilling required. For a typical 2,000-sq. -ft. home, a geothermal retrofit ranges from $10,000 to $20,000. What is the one bad thing about using geothermal […]

Who invented the after dinner mint?

Who invented the after dinner mint? Brian Sollitt Brian Sollitt, who has died aged 74, invented the After Eight mint, the wafer-thin chocolate square in a paper sleeve that changed the way the aspirational middle-class rounded off dinner parties. Why are they called after dinner mints? After Eight Mint Chocolate Thins (After Eights) are a […]

What is the VSEPR molecule shape?

What is the VSEPR molecule shape? The VSEPR theory describes five main shapes of simple molecules: linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, and octahedral. How do you find the VSEPR shape? VSEPR Rules: Identify the central atom. Count its valence electrons. Add one electron for each bonding atom. Add or subtract electrons for charge (see […]

What should be checked before prescribing penicillin?

What should be checked before prescribing penicillin? Before prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics to a patient thought to be penicillin-allergic, evaluate the patient for true penicillin allergy (IgE-mediated) by conducting a history and physical, and, when appropriate, a skin test and challenge dose. How do you perform a skin test for antibiotics? It is performed by injecting […]

What is the difference between Moraimasu and Kuremasu?

What is the difference between Moraimasu and Kuremasu? First of all, please note that both AGEMASU and KUREMASU mean “to give.” And MORAIMASU means “to get,” “to receive” or “to be given.” In Japanese, you choose which of them to use, depending on which is the subject, the giver or the receiver, and also depending […]

Can you add oxygen to drinking water?

Can you add oxygen to drinking water? As for the water in the glass on the bedside table, you can add more oxygen to the water simply by pouring it back and forth from glass to glass or putting it in a reusable bottle and shaking it up. How do you get oxygen into drinking […]

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