What is the best time of year to transplant irises?

What is the best time of year to transplant irises?

Late July through mid August is the best time to plant, move or divide iris. Iris is one of the most popular perennials in the garden and easy to grow. Although they provide pleasure for many years with little care, periodic dividing is an important cultural practice for maintaining plant health.

How do you dig up irises and replant?


  1. Dig up the Clump. Using a garden shovel, dig up the entire clump of iris.
  2. Divide the Clump Into Sections. Shake off loose dirt, and divide the large clump into sections by tugging it apart with your hands.
  3. Trim the Leaves.
  4. Inspect the Rhizome Sections.
  5. Prepare a Planting Hole.
  6. Plant the Iris.
  7. Caring for New Iris.

Can I move irises now?

The best time to divide irises is immediately after they bloom through fall. No need to dig them up now and store unless you are moving, best to keep them in the ground growing until you are ready to divide and replant. Decreased blooming is a definite sign your iris are ready to be divided.

Can I move my irises in the spring?

Tip. Do not transplant iris in the spring. Wait until the foliage has died back in the summer before attempting to dig up and move your iris bulbs.

Will iris bloom after transplanting?

Plant bearded irises: Irises may take a season or two to rebloom after transplanting.

How long can iris rhizomes be out of the ground?

Now lay the “keeper” rhizomes aside in a shaded location, a garage or cool shed is a good storage area, while the planting beds or plant- ing holes are readied. It will not damage the prepared rhizomes to remain out of the ground for two weeks.

How do you transplant iris rhizomes?

Dig a hole where the rhizome will settle into the ground just below the ground level. If planting several iris near each other, point the rhizomes away from each other and space them 18 inches (46 cm.) apart. Spread the roots out around the rhizome and then cover the roots and the rhizome with dirt.

Can I move iris in the spring?

Can I plant iris rhizomes in the spring?

You can plant the rhizomes in the spring. If they are big with lots of green on the leaves, and if they are reblooming types, you may even get a bloom this fall. You can also buy them already potted up at nurseries and if you plant them carefully, they will bloom this spring.

Should I soak iris rhizomes before planting?

Soak rhizomes for 10 minutes, rinse well, and lay out to dry. It’s OK to wait days or even weeks before planting, but sooner is better. As long as the iris is in a sunny spot where its rhizome can stay dry, all will be well.

How deep should iris tubers be planted?

4” deep
But how deep do you plant iris bulbs exactly? Plant the bulbs in holes 4” deep and 2” – 4” apart; for larger groups, dig out a trench, position the bulbs, then replace the soil and water them well.

Where can I transplant irises?

To replant, dig a hole, preferably facing north where it will get full sun. Add a handful of pelletised chook poo and cover with some soil to protect the roots from fertiliser burn. Plant the rhizome so the rhizome is facing north and the fan of leaves is at the back, then backfill to cover the roots.

When is the best time to transplant iris plants?

The best time to transplant iris is in early summer, right after they finish blooming. Prepare the soil in the new planting bed. Spread a 2-inch layer of peat moss and a 2-inch layer of compost on the surface of the soil.

How do you transplant iris plants?

Replant the iris bulbs about 8 to 10 inches apart from one another. Plant the bulbs about 4 inches deep with the tips just under the top of the soil. Fan out the flesh roots. Backfill the soil and firmly pack it down to remove all the air pockets. Water well and cover the area with a couple inches of mulch,…

What season does one transplant an iris plant?

In colder regions, transplanting iris occurs in early spring, with late August offering a second option. For gardeners in warm regions, fall provides a good time for transplanting iris. In either case, the timing allows plants to establish a healthy root system before the weather shifts into a stressful time of cold temps in northern areas or hot summer temps in southern regions.

When to dig up Iris to transplant?

July, August and September are the best time to dig up and transplant Irises . Make sure they are well watered after you transplant it, especially through the winter.

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