Why is cinnamon bark oil so expensive?

Why is cinnamon bark oil so expensive?

As the name suggests, cinnamon bark oil is derived from the bark of trees that belong to the Cinnamomum family, which includes around 250 different trees and shrubs. One of the reasons cinnamon bark oil is not particularly well-known in the west is due to its rarity – and, inevitably, its high price.

What is cinnamon bark oil good for?

The oils found in cinnamon bark are thought to reduce spasms, reduce gas (flatulence), and stimulate the appetite. Cinnamon might also increase blood flow. Cinnamon bark also contains a chemical that might work like insulin to lower blood sugar.

What is the difference between cinnamon oil and cinnamon bark oil?

Cinnamaldehyde gives cinnamon its trademark scent. Bark oil contains more cinnamaldehyde, and has the stronger cinnamon aroma of the two. Aromatherapists describe cinnamon leaf essential oil as spicy, sweet and strong. Cinnamon bark essential oil is spicier, sweeter, and stronger than the leaf oil.

What is the best cinnamon bark essential oil?

Ceylon Cinnamon
Ceylon Cinnamon oils whether it is the leaf oil or the bark oil tends to be far superior in terms of quality, aroma and purity than Cassia type cinnamon that comes from Indonesia, China or Vietnam. This is because the chemical signature of Ceylon Cinnamon whether it is the leaf oil or the bark oil is superior.

Can I make cinnamon oil at home?

Pour olive oil over cinnamon sticks to cover. Simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Pour all into a clear jar and let sit for 3 weeks in a warm spot or window will where it will get light, turning once a day. This is my oil in a dark jar.

What is the strongest cinnamon oil?

Cinnamon Cassia Of the three, Cinnamon Cassia has the strongest germ-fighting properties and is used in our Germ Fighter Blend.

Can you ingest cinnamon bark essential oil?

Internally: Can cinnamon essential oil be ingested? The FDA recognizes cinnamon oil as safe for consumption, but ingesting any essential oil is ONLY recommended when you use a very high-quality oil from a reputable brand.

What’s the difference between cinnamon bark and cinnamon Cassia?

Cassia is often known as “cinnamon bark”, and differs from “true cinnamon”. Cinnamon is commonly available as ground cinnamon and cinnamon quills (or cinnamon sticks). Cassia contains almost the same set of cinnemaldehydes and other essential oils as cinnamon, except that cassia is a lot stronger.

How do you make cinnamon bark oil?

1. Place the cinnamon sticks in the jar. 2. Pour the olive oil into jar, covering the cinnamon sticks. leave an inch headroom at the top (Took a small bottle and half to fill the jar). 3. Place the lid on the jar, shake and set in a sunny spot for a few weeks. 4. Shake the jar a few times a day.

What are the benefits of cinnamon bark essential oils?

Many of the benefits of cinnamon bark oil have to do with its ability to dilate blood vessels. Cinnamon bark can help enhance nitric oxide function, which causes increased blood flow and lower levels of inflammation.

What are the uses of cinnamon bark?

People use the bark to make medicine. Cinnamon bark is used for gastrointestinal (GI) upset, diarrhea, and gas. It is also used for stimulating appetite; for infections caused by bacteria and parasitic worms; and for menstrual cramps, the common cold, and the flu (influenza).

What are the benefits of using cinnamon essential oil?

Health Benefits. Cinnamon essential oil contains a number of compounds thought to influence health. These compounds include cinnamaldehyde, which has been found to reduce inflammation and act as an antimicrobial (a substance that destroys or suppresses the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi).

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