What are those long neck dinosaurs called?

What are those long neck dinosaurs called?

sauropod dinosaurs
The sauropod dinosaurs, which included titans such as Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, and Apatosaurus (once known as Brontosaurus), are well-known for the very long necks they usually sported. The lengthy neck extended the animal’s reach for grabbing food.

Which animal has the largest neck?

bull giraffes
Among living animals, adult bull giraffes have the longest necks, capable of reaching about 8 feet (2.4 m) long. No other living creature exceeds half this length. For instance, ostriches typically have necks only about 3 feet (1 m) long.

Are Brontosaurus real?

Brontosaurus was a large sauropod, a group of typically large dinosaurs with long necks and long tails. It lived during the Late Jurassic Period, from about 156 to 145 million years ago. The first recorded evidence of Brontosaurus was discovered in the 1870s in the USA.

What human has the longest neck in the world?

The longest human necks are found among the women of the Padaung (or Kayan) tribe, who live in the highlands of northwestern Thailand and southeastern Myanmar. Padaung women bind their necks with heavy brass rings that alter the shape of the neck and shoulders.

Which dinosaur has the longest neck?

A: “Long neck” is a term used in the movie The Land Before Time to refer to what they loosely drew as apatosaurus, also known as brontosaurus, by the looks of it. The longest necked dinosaurs were the giant plant-eaters, the sauropods which included apatosaurus and particularly mamenchisaurus .

What do dinosaurs have a long neck?

Apatosaurus. Apatosaurus used its peg-like teeth to strip leaves from bushes or trees.

  • Diplodocus. Lived it 150 million years ago during late Jurassic period,Diplodocus is herbivorous dinosaur that had four strong legs with super-long neck.
  • Brachiosaurus. Its name was from Greek language means “arm lizard”.
  • Camarasaurus.
  • Alamosaurus.
  • What dinosaur has a long neck and a small head?

    The Apatosaurus is one of the largest animals to ever live on earth. It was 75 feet long and 50,000 pounds! It had a really long neck and tail as well as a small head. It may have used its long neck to reach out of the way food as well as to keep its head away from shorter predators. The Apatosaurus walked on four legs.

    What was the biggest long neck dinosaur?

    Diplodocus is thought to be the longest known dinosaur. The neck could reach over 6m (20ft) and its long tail had 80 vertebrae.

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