How to get selected row JTable?

How to get selected row JTable?

You can use the following code to get the value of the first column of the selected row of your table. (DefaultTableModel) jTable. getModel(); this will return the entire row data.

How do I know if a JTable row is selected?

3 Answers. So you can call table. getSelectionModel(). isSelectionEmpty() to find out if any row is selected.

How to get selected value from JTable in java?

getSelectedColumn(); ObjectType o = (ObjectType)target. getValueAt(row, column) ); Do this. Will get the value in your JTable based on the row and column selected and then casts the returned value to your object type in the table and returns the value at the row, column.

How do you select a row in Java?

Add row to selection/toggle row selection. Move lead selection with Control-Up Arrow or Control-Down Arrow, then use Space Bar to add to selection or Control-Space Bar to toggle row selection. To see how selections work, click the Launch button to run TableSelectionDemo using Java™ Web Start (download JDK 7 or later).

What is default table model in Java?

Constructor Summary Constructs a default DefaultTableModel which is a table of zero columns and zero rows.

How do I know if JTable is empty?

When you want to use JTable , make the JTable with data which return count from the database. So if there is no data. getRowCount() will return 0 again. And so, you will know whether JTable is empty or not.

How fetch data from database to JTable in Java?

Display Records From Database Using JTable in Java

  2. emp.sql.
  3. Open the NetBeans IDE.
  4. Choose “Java” -> “Java Application” as in the following.
  5. Now type your project name as “JTableApp” as in the following.
  6. Now create a new Java Class with the name “DisplayEmpData” and provide the following code for it.

What is JTable function?

The JTable is used to display and edit regular two-dimensional tables of cells. See How to Use Tables in The Java Tutorial for task-oriented documentation and examples of using JTable .

What is the purpose of JTable Mcq?

The JTable class is used to display data in tabular form. It is composed of rows and columns.

How fetch data from database and display in table in PHP?

php $connect=mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘root’, ‘password’); mysql_select_db(“name”); //here u select the data you want to retrieve from the db $query=”select * from tablename”; $result= mysql_query($query); //here you check to see if any data has been found and you define the width of the table If($result){ echo “< …

What is the purpose of JTable Mcq answer?

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