What does BKA stand for medical terms?

What does BKA stand for medical terms?

below knee amputation
BKA: Acronym standing for “below knee amputation.” BKA is as opposed to AKA (above knee amputation).

What does L BKA mean?

LBKA. Left Below Knee Amputation. Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.

How do you do BKA?

Surgical Technique

  1. tibial cut 2-3cm proximal from anterior skin edge with sagital saw perpendicular to bone.
  2. fibula cut at least 1cm proximal to avoid skin irritation.
  3. bevel distal tibia cut at 45°
  4. can perform Ertle procedure to create fibula strut.
  5. use amputation knife to cleanly debulk distal extremity.

What does BKA mean in texting?

BKA means “Better Known As.” The abbreviation BKA is typically used to provide clarification when someone or something is known by two names and the less familiar one has been referred to.

What is medical abbreviation S P?

Status post
Status post (S/P) is a term used in medicine to refer to a treatment (often a surgical procedure), diagnosis or just an event, that a patient has experienced previously, for example, “status post cholecystectomy”, “S/P vaginal delivery”, etc.

What does THR mean in health?

The recommended range of exercise intensity for improving health-related physical fitness is called your target heart rate (also known as THR and training heart rate). Your THR is 55 to 90% of your maximum heart rate (the highest number of times your heart can beat in one minute).

What does DSD stand for in medical terms?

of Sex Development
png. Disorders (or differences) of Sex Development (DSD) is a broad term used for medical conditions in which development of sex chromosomes, gonads, or sexual anatomy is atypical.

What is Myodesis?

Myodesis: The muscle is secured to the bone by suturing the distal tendon via pre-drilled holes to the bone. Can be performed on below-knee or above-knee amputation.

Why do guillotines amputate?

A guillotine ankle amputation is indicated in the presence of severe infection or necrosis in the midfoot or hindfoot, such as a wet gas gangrene or fulminant osteomyelitis in the hindfoot, and similar conditions that preclude salvage of a functional foot.

What does Vka stand for?


Acronym Definition
VKA Vitamin K Antagonist
VKA Verband Kaufmännischer Agenten Der Schweiz (Association of Swiss Commercial Agents)
VKA Victorian Karting Association (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
VKA Veronica’s Kissing Army (fan club)

What language is the word Baka?

Baka is a Japanese word that means “crazy,” “foolish,” or downright “stupid.” It can also be used as a noun for “a fool” or “a crazy or stupid person.” Anime and manga fans in the West have adopted the use of baka as a (usually joking) insult.

What does pH stand for in medical terms?

potential hydrogen
In medical terms, pH stands for potential hydrogen. It describes the acidity or basicity of a solution.

What does HDU stand for in medical category?

Definition HDU Hong Duc University (Vietnam) HDU High Dependency Unit HDU Header and Data Unit HDU High-Density Urethane HDU Hemodialysis Unit HDU Himeji Dokkyo University (Japan) HDU Home Dialyzors United (patient organization) HDU Human Development Unit (various organizations)

What does BKA stand for in medical terms?

BKA Medical Abbreviation. 28. BKA. Below Knee Amputation + 6 variants. Physical Therapy, Pathology, Physiotherapy. Physical Therapy, Pathology, Physiotherapy. 5. BKA. Below-knee Amputation.

What does HDU stand for in Harley Davidson?

Hose Drum Unit (air to air refueling) HDU Helmet Display Unit HDU Hard Disk Unit HDU Harley-Davidson University (service school operated by the factory) HDU Horizontal Drive Unit HDU How Dare You (Internet slang) HDU Hot Death Uno (game) HDU Heat Dissipation Unit HDU Hose and Drogue Unit (air to air refueling) HDU Hydraulic Drive Unit HDU

Can a patient step down from ICU to HDU?

In the latter case, a patient may ‘step down’ from being an ICU patient to being a HDU patient without moving units. They may move bed space to facilitate 1:2 care. Have we missed something out? Click here to send us a comment

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