Why did Kristen Simmons write Article 5?

Why did Kristen Simmons write Article 5?

The inspiration for Article 5 came to Kristen Simmons after she saw people protesting against the release of a children’s book. She asked herself what else could be banned. She had the idea of the story, wrote it from start to finish, and took about a year to revise it.

What is Article 5 convention of the States?

Article V says that “on the Application of two thirds of the Legislatures of the several States, [Congress] shall call a Convention for proposing amendments.” The convention can propose amendments, whether Congress approves of them or not. Those proposed amendments would then be sent to the states for ratification.

What is an Article 5 Constitutional convention?

A convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution, also called an Article V Convention or amendatory convention, applied for by two-thirds (currently 3/4) of the state legislatures, is one of two processes authorized by Article Five of the United States Constitution whereby the United States …

What does Article 5 section 1 require states to do?

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as …

What is the theme of Article 5?

The theme of Article 5 is determination, throughout Ember’s journey she never loses her sight of finding her mother and rescuing her. Shes put through so many things but just keeps pushing on with great determination.

What happened Article 5?

Article 5, by Kristen Simmons, tells the story of Ember Miller, a 17-year-old girl who fights to save her mother when she is arrested for violating a section of the Moral Statutes that now govern the United States. Ember is taken to a reformatory in West Virginia, where girls like herself are sent for rehabilitation.

What is the convention of states 2021?

The Convention of States Action advocates a national effort to call a convention of states to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

How does the convention of the states work?

(1) Proposal by two-thirds of each house of Congress, followed by ratification by popular conventions in each state. This method was used to adopt the 21st Amendment, repealing Prohibition. (2) Proposal by two-thirds of each house of Congress, then ratification by state legislatures.

Why is Article 5 of the Constitution Important?

Article 5 of the constitution explains the mechanism of how the United States Constitution can be changed or amended from its original wording. A way to change the constitution is needed because the writers of the Constitution knew they had not created a finished document.

Which part of the Constitution allows the nation to make changes in the constitution as needed?

Article Five of the United States Constitution describes the process whereby the Constitution, the nation’s frame of government, may be altered. Under Article V, the process to alter the Constitution consists of proposing an amendment or amendments, and subsequent ratification.

What is Article 5 of the Constitution address quizlet?

Establishes the rules for amending the Constitution. The Constitution can be changed. New amendments can be added to the US Constitution with the approval by a two-thirds vote in each house of Congress (67, 281) and three-fourth vote by the states (38).

Are there any states that have passed Article V Convention?

Since 2016, four states have passed Article V convention applications on term limits: Florida, Alabama, Missouri, and West Virginia. As outlined in Common Cause’s 2015 report, The Dangerous Path: Big Money’s Plan to Shred the Constitution, a constitutional convention is open to many problems, including:

How many states are required to ratify Article V?

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed.

What does Article V of the constitution say?

Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. The full text of Article V reads:

What does the constitution say about Convention of States?

Article V of the U.S. Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention for proposing needed amendments to the Constitution. This process does not require the consent of the federal government in Washington, DC.

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