How install Pygame Linux?

How install Pygame Linux?

For Linux, open a terminal and run ” sudo apt-get install python-pygame “. If nothing appears after you hit the Enter key, then you know Pygame has successfully been installed. If the error ImportError: No module named pygame appears, then try to install Pygame again (and make sure you typed import pygame correctly).

How do I manually install pygame?

How to Install PyGame

  1. Step 1: Install Python 3.5. If you don’t yet have Python installed or you have an older version, grab a copy here.
  2. Step 2: Download PyGame.
  3. Step 3: Copy PyGame to the Python folder.
  4. Step 4: Open a command prompt.
  5. Step 5: Install PyGame.
  6. Step 6: Test.

What code do you use to install pygame?

Mac Instructions

  1. Start by opening a terminal. Terminal can be found under applications/utilities.
  2. Put in the following code into the command line: python3 -m pip install -U pygame==1.9.6 –user.
  3. If it succeeds, make sure to restart any IDLE windows you have open before running your game.

How do I import Pygames?

Open a terminal, and type ‘sudo apt-get install idle pygame’, enter your password and type ‘y’ at the prompts, if necessary. 2. After the installation completes, enter ‘python’ in the terminal to launch Python. Verify that it’s using version 2.7 or newer, then at the Python prompt enter ‘import pygame’.

How install Pygame in Kali Linux?

For Linux, open a terminal and run “sudo apt-get install python-pygame”. If nothing appears after you hit the Enter key, then you know Pygame has successfully been installed. If the error ImportError: No module named pygame appears, then try to install Pygame again (and make sure you typed import pygame correctly).

How do I run Pygame in terminal?


  1. Open a terminal. (Gnome: Applications->Accessories->Terminal.
  2. Navigate to the folder where the Python program you want to run is located. By default IDLE saves in your home folder, so if you use that you don’t actually have to do anything.
  3. Type ‘python [program name]. py’ and press enter to run the program.

How install pygame in Kali Linux?

Is PY game free?

Pygame is free. Released under the LGPL licence, you can create open source, freeware, shareware, and commercial games with it.

How do I install Pygame from source?

Follow the steps given below for the successful installation of Pygame

  1. Step 1: Check for Python Installation. In order to install Pygame, Python must be installed already in your system.
  2. Step 2: Check for PIP installation.
  3. Step 3: Install Pygame.
  4. Step 4: Check Whether PyGame is Working or not.

How do I get Pygame on PyCharm?

For PyCharm 2017 do the following:

  1. File – Settings.
  2. Double click on your project name.
  3. Select Project Interpreter.
  4. Click on green + button on the right side of the window.
  5. Type Pygame in search window.
  6. Click Install package.

How do I get pygame in PyCharm?

Is it possible to install Pygame from source?

Installing from source is fairly automated. The most work will involve compiling and installing all the pygame dependencies. Once that is done, run the script which will attempt to auto-configure, build, and install pygame. Much more information about installing and compiling is available on the Compilation wiki page.

How to install Pygame in Python using distutils?

Compiling and installing pygame is handled by Python’s distutils. Pygame also comes with some scripts to automatically configure the flags needed to build pygame. Use the “” script to start the installation. The first time you run the setup script, it will call the ” ” script.

Can you install Pygame on Ubuntu 20 LTS?

We are using Ubuntu 20 LTS you can use any other one. To successfully install PyGame in your Linux system, follow the below procedure: First Check you are using python’s latest version or not. Because the PyGame is only supported python 3.7.7 or higher version so make sure you are using the latest version of python.

What can you do with Pygame in Python?

Pygame is a Python wrapper module for the SDL multimedia library. It contains python functions and classes that will allow you to use SDL’s support for playing cdroms, audio and video output, and keyboard, mouse and joystick input. Author: A community project. Download the file for your platform.

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