Is vex Mythoclast rare?

Is vex Mythoclast rare?

Bungie The Vex Mythoclast was once a rare drop from Atheon in the Vault of Glass. Back when Destiny first launched, the Vex Mythoclast was undoubtedly the hardest weapon to acquire. While the Gjallarhorn was just an exceptionally rare drop, the Mythoclast was both exceptionally rare and extremely difficult to acquire.

How rare is the VEX Mythoclast Destiny 2?

Vex Mythoclast only drops at the end of Vault of Glass. You have, according to those who understand all these stats, about a 1.6% chance of it dropping. With bac luck protection, we should be up to about 10%, but that’s just not the case.

Why was vex Mythoclast good?

The Vex Mythoclast, with the recent buff of 20% damage to enemies in PvE, and additional damage with the catalyst, truly shines as a raid-exclusive exotic weapon. Being a fusion rifle, it has an automatic fire-type, therefore taking less time for the weapon to proc the debuff.

What do vex look like?

The Sol Progeny is a programming located in the Black Garden. This group consists of three massive Vex, who are designated as the protectors of the Black Heart. They resemble giant Minotaurs, with each bearing a differently-shaped head.

Does Mythoclast have bad luck protection?

While Bungie has implemented that system on some weapons, items like the aforementioned Vex Mythoclast do not seem to have any kind of protection at all. That means that each time a player attempts the Raid, there’s a 97% chance the weapon won’t drop.

Will vex Mythoclast get nerfed?

In a follow-up Tweet to his initial one about the Vex Mythoclast tuning, Bungie Community Manager DMG revealed that the studio does not plan to nerf the gun into the ground. In his words, the dev team is looking into “toning down” the weapon.

Are the Vex evil?

The vex are neither good nor evil… they just are. Concepts such as ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are human constructs anyway, and as such; like opinions, subjective.

What created the Vex?

It is believed that Vex are not born or made, so much as converted. When Asher Mir was infected with Radiolarian fluid, his arm turned into a Vex construct.

How does the VEX mythoclast work in Destiny 2?

Unlike all other Fusion Rifles in Destiny 2, Vex Mythoclast is an automatic weapon that uses Primary ammo. Thanks to the reworking of all Primary weapons in Season of the Lost, this means that Vex Mythoclast will never run out of ammunition. Additionally, Vex Mythoclast is one of the Exotics that are able to have a catalyst slotted into the weapon.

What are the mobile Vex machines in Destiny?

The mobile Vex machines encountered by Guardians are merely containers for these intelligences, which carry mind cores filled with milky radiolarian fluid – hypothesized to be the only remnant of their distant biological origin.

Which is the best exotic weapon in Destiny 2?

Having a Catalyst is not an uncommon feature for Exotic weapons, but there are many that lack them. The Vex Mythoclast is already the best Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2, and arguably one of the best weapons. Equipping its Catalyst just makes Vex Mythoclast that much more powerful.

What kind of species are the Vex in Destiny?

” The Vex are a cyber-organic species as ancient as the Universe itself. While individual Vex units are robotic in appearance, they are merely walking tools for radiolaria, microscopic organisms suspended in Vex milk that contains the species’ collective intelligence.

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