What does equilibrium mean in psychology?

What does equilibrium mean in psychology?

n. 1. a state of physical or mental balance or stability (e.g., in posture, physiological processes, psychological adjustment).

What is an example of equilibration in psychology?

Equilibration involves the assimilation of information to fit with an individual’s own existing mental schemas and the accommodation of information by adapting it their way of thinking. For example, a child loves the soups that their family eats on a regular basis.

What does equilibrium mean in Piaget’s theory?

Equilibration. Piaget believed that all human thought seeks order and is uncomfortable with contradictions and inconsistencies in knowledge structures. In other words, we seek ‘equilibrium’ in our cognitive structures. Equilibrium occurs when a child’s schemas can deal with most new information through assimilation.

What is equilibrium and disequilibrium psychology?

cognitive equilibrium, a state of balance between individuals’ mental schemata, or frameworks, and their environment. Individuals naturally seek equilibrium because disequilibrium, which is a mismatch between one’s way of thinking and one’s environment, is inherently dissatisfying.

What do you mean by equilibration?

[ ĭ-kwĭl′ə-brā′shən ] n. The development or maintenance of an equilibrium. The process of exposing a liquid to a gas that is at a certain partial pressure until the partial pressures of the gas inside and outside the liquid are equal.

What does equilibration mean?

in equilibrium
: to bring into or keep in equilibrium. intransitive verb. : to bring about, come to, or be in equilibrium. Other Words from equilibrate. equilibration \ -​ˌkwil-​ə-​ˈbrā-​shən \ noun.

What did Lev Vygotsky believe?

Lev Vygotsky was a seminal Russian psychologist who is best known for his sociocultural theory. He believed that social interaction plays a critical role in children’s learning. Through such social interactions, children go through a continuous process of learning.

What is the best definition of equilibrium?

1 : a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other Supply and demand were in equilibrium. chemical equilibrium. 2 : a state of emotional balance or calmness It took me several minutes to recover my equilibrium. [=composure]

What is an equilibrium in a person?

In the human body, your equilibrium is the body’s sense of position and movement including your sense of balance. The chemical term for equilibrium is similar in nature.

How does coexistence theory explain the stability of species?

Coexistence theory explains the stable coexistence of species as an interaction between two opposing forces: fitness differences between species, which should drive the best-adapted species to exclude others within a particular ecological niche, and stabilizing mechanisms, which maintains diversity via niche differentiation.

When does coexistence occur in a natural community?

However, even in simple microcosms, coexistence can occur, and most natural communities are rich in species. Species in principle may coexist when any of the assumptions leading to the competitive exclusion principle are violated.

What is the definition of equilibrium in psychology?

Such balance occurs when their expectations, based on prior knowledge, fit with new knowledge. The Swiss psychologist Jean Piagetused the concept of equilibriumto describe one of four critical factors in cognitivedevelopment, the others being maturation, physical environment, and social interaction.

How is coexistence related to interspecific competition?

Coexistence theory. As the population of one species declines, individuals of that species tend to compete predominantly with individuals of other species. Thus, the tendency of a population to recover as it declines in density reflects reduced interspecific competition (between-species) relative to intraspecific competition (within-species),…

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