What is a Coast Guard 2692?

What is a Coast Guard 2692?


Where to send uscg 2692?

The Form CG-2692 satisfies this written report requirement, and once completed, must be delivered, emailed, or faxed to the Coast Guard Sector, Marine Safety Unit, or Activity nearest the location of the casualty or, if at sea, nearest the arrival port.

How soon the CG-2692 be submitted to the marine safety Office?

within five days
4.05-10 (a), obligates the owner, agent, master, operator, or person in charge to deliver to a Coast Guard Sector Office or Marine Inspection Office a written report, on a Form CG-2692, of any casualty required to be reported by s. 4.05-1, within five days.

What is a reportable marine casualty?

The written report must be submitted on Form CG- 2692 (Report of Marine Accident Injury, or Death). New language was added to the regulations in 2005 to include “any occurrence involving a vessel that involves significant harm to the environment” as a reportable marine casualty which requires the submission of a 2692.

What is a 2692?

A CG-2692 Form is a US Department of Homeland Security form, otherwise called the Report of Marine Casualty, Commercial Diving Casualty or OCS-Related Casualty.

What is a serious marine incident?

term serious marine incident includes the following events involving a vessel in commercial service: (a) Any marine casualty or accident as defined in § 4.03- (1) One or more deaths; (2) An injury to a crewmember, passenger.

What is considered a serious marine incident?

term serious marine incident includes the following events involving a vessel in commercial service: (a) Any marine casualty or accident as defined in § 4.03- 4.05-1 to be reported to the Coast Guard and which results. (1) One or more deaths; (2) An injury to a crewmember, passenger.

What requires a report of marine accident injury or death?

A vessel accident must be reported if it occurs upon the navigable waters of the U.S., its territories or possessions; or whenever an accident involves a U.S. vessel; wherever the accident may occur. (Public vessels and recreational vessels are excepted from these reporting requirements.)

What is major marine casualty?

(i) For purposes of this section, the term “major marine casualty” means a casualty involving a vessel, other than a public vessel, that results in— (1) the loss of 6 or more lives; (2)

What is a major marine casualty?

What are the 14 types of inspected vessels regulated by the US Coast Guard?

The following categories of vessels are subject to inspection under this part:

  • (1) freight vessels.
  • (2) nautical school vessels.
  • (3) offshore supply vessels.
  • (4) passenger vessels.
  • (5) sailing school vessels.
  • (6) seagoing barges.
  • (7) seagoing motor vessels.
  • (8) small passenger vessels.

Is Coast Guard a law enforcement?

The Coast Guard is the lead federal maritime law enforcement agency and the only agency with both the authority and capability to enforce national and international law on the high seas, outer continental shelf, and inward from the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to inland waters.

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