What is Rothwilds safe code?

What is Rothwilds safe code?

Rothwild’s Safe

Combo Mission Safe Location and Description
5-1-2 A Captain of Industry The Code for Rothwild’s Safe is found in an Injury Report Code found near Rothwild in his office.

What is the code for the safe in Dishonored 2?

Get inside and find a painting on the wall you can remove. On the back is the safe combination. Find the safe nearby and crack it open. The code should be 451.

What happens if you leave Rothwild in the chair?

Non-Lethal Alternative By technicality, simply leaving Rothwild in the interrogation chair is also considered a non-lethal action. However, this will result in a group of Butchers appearing in the next level, seeking vengeance upon Daud.

How do you get the whale eye in Dishonored?

Place two whale oil tanks into the panel in the corner below the whale, and then pull the switch to electrocute the whale. Then collect the left eye from the whale’s corpse and place this in the pot in the room with the weeper. This will reward Daud with a rune.

How do you open a safe without the code?

Make use of a magnet.

  1. Using a paper clip to open a safe. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to open a safe without a key is to use a paper clip.
  2. Make use of a screwdriver to open a safe without a key.
  3. Opening the safe with the aid of a knife or similar tool.
  4. Drilling through the safe.

How do you open a safe code?

Start by turning the dial to the RIGHT a minimum of 4 turns (this clears the dial of any previous attempts) and STOP on the FIRST number of your 4 digit combination. Turn the dial to the LEFT passing the SECOND number TWICE, stopping on the SECOND number of your combination on THIRD turn.

Where are the safes in Dishonored?

The combination can be found in three different locations: in the alley past Holger Square; in a note in the mess hall; and under the bed to the left of the safe. It can also be recovered from an Overseer named Overseer Berthold, if Corvo chooses to save him and his sister, Elsa, from his fellow Overseers.

Is there chaos in the knife of dunwall?

Chaos is the element that affects the actions and reactions of characters during Dishonored, its DLCs: The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches, and Dishonored 2 determining the fate of Daud, Emily Kaldwin, Corvo Attano and the Empire of the Isles.

Who is Billie Dishonored?

Billie Lurk is Daud’s second-in-command and companion throughout the events of The Knife of Dunwall. It is she who informs Daud about the location of the whaling trawler Delilah, and assists in each of his missions. In Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Billie becomes the protagonist.

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