What are some good picture captions?

What are some good picture captions? Cute Selfie Captions “If you were looking for a sign, here it is.” “Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” “Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming.” “Be yourself, there’s no one better.” “Stress less and enjoy the best.” “Look for […]

What are the 9 regions of North America?

What are the 9 regions of North America? The nine nations of North America, as proposed by Garreau include: The Foundry. MexAmerica. The Breadbasket. Ecotopia. New England. The Empty Quarter. Dixie. Quebec. What is meant by the phrase The Nine Nations of North America? The Nine Nations of North America is a 1981 book by […]

Can you develop preeclampsia at 39 weeks?

Can you develop preeclampsia at 39 weeks? Preeclampsia can happen as early as 20 weeks into pregnancy, but that’s rare. Symptoms often begin after 34 weeks. In a few cases, symptoms develop after birth, usually within 48 hours of delivery. What do they do if you have preeclampsia at 39 weeks? Doctors might use medications […]

What is a deviation in pharma?

What is a deviation in pharma? “Deviations are the measured differences between the observed and expected or normal values for a product or process condition or a departure from a documented standard or procedure”. A deviation may occur during testing and sampling of finished products and raw materials acceptance and manufacturing. What is deviation in […]

What does freeze in AutoCAD do?

What does freeze in AutoCAD do? You can freeze layers to speed up zoom, pan, and many other operations; improve object selection performance; and reduce regeneration time for complex drawings. AutoCAD does not display, plot, hide, render, or regenerate objects on frozen layers. What is freezing a layer? Freezing a layer, too, is a technique […]

What is the pathophysiology of urolithiasis?

What is the pathophysiology of urolithiasis? Urolithiasis occurs when crystals that the stone is composed of supersaturate the urine due to being present in a high concentration and begin to collect and crystallize within the parenchyma of the kidney, forming the renal calculi. Is nephrolithiasis the same as Ureterolithiasis? Nephrolithiasis specifically refers to calculi in […]

How do I format external drive for Mac?

How do I format external drive for Mac? How to format an external drive in OS X Connect the drive to the Mac. Open Disk Utility. Select the drive you want to format. Click Erase. Give the drive a descriptive name and leave the default settings: OS X Extended format and GUID partition map. Click […]


What is SSS SAS ASA AAS? SSS (side-side-side) All three corresponding sides are congruent. SAS (side-angle-side) Two sides and the angle between them are congruent. ASA (angle-side-angle) Does ASA make triangles congruent? 3. ASA (angle, side, angle) If two angles and the included side of one triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and side […]

Is gravitation a boy love?

Is gravitation a boy love? Gravitation is considered a classic Boys Love series but 20 years later, as LGBTQIA representation has advanced, it might not hold up to scrutiny. LGBTQIA representation in anime has wildly improved in recent decades. Do Shuichi and Yuki end up together? Eiri Yuki (由貴瑛里, Yuki Eiri) is a popular romance […]

Can you convert an APK into a IPA?

Can you convert an APK into a IPA? 3 Answers. Android apk can’t be converted to iOS ipa. Only possibility is either you devlop cross platform(xamrin/react native/ionic/flutter) app project which can share common code and some android/ios platform specific code. How can I convert APK file to iOS? How Does MechDome Work? Take your compiled […]

Is audacity good for transcribing?

Is audacity good for transcribing? It is so simple yet efficient to complete both short and lengthy transcription projects. Audacity allows you to record audio files and produce the best quality projects directly on the software. How do I transcribe audio to text? How to Transcribe Audio to Text Upload Your Audio File. Choose Custom […]

Who is the owner of Trident Seafoods?

Who is the owner of Trident Seafoods? Chuck Bundrant Chuck Bundrant Education North High School (Evansville) Alma mater Middle Tennessee State University (dropped out) Occupation Businessman Known for Founder, chairman, and majority owner of Trident Seafoods Is Trident seafood processed in China? Many seafood companies also send fish caught in Alaska to China for processing. […]

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