What happened to Metamucil clear?

What happened to Metamucil clear? Sometimes you could detect an off taste. We have tried another brand name, and although it is tasteless, it is only 3 mg per teaspoon. We are disappointed that Metamucil has discontinued this product. Is there a Metamucil clear? The 100% natural inulin fiber in Metamucil Clear & Natural makes […]

Co to są Gwiezdne wojny?

Co to są Gwiezdne wojny? Gwiezdne wojny (ang. Star Wars) – amerykańska franczyza filmowa z gatunku space opera oparta na trylogii filmów stworzonej przez George’a Lucasa. Franczyza została zapoczątkowana w 1977 roku premierą filmu Star Wars (któremu później dodano podtytuł: Część IV – Nowa nadzieja). Stał się on światowym popkulturowym fenomenem. Kiedy był oryginalny film […]

Can you claim a race?

Can you claim a race? All horses entered into a claiming race can be ‘claimed’ by a buyer before the race begins. This gives owners the chance to offload horses they may not want, or for buyers to snap up a potentially lucrative runner for future events. How do I claim a horse in France? […]

Do you get paid to work with MSF?

Do you get paid to work with MSF? After one year of experience, field staff join a salary grid, where salary depends on responsibility involved in the position and also the amount of previous experience. All general living costs in the project are covered by MSF. Per diem based on the cost of living in […]

What is OMBJ?

What is OMBJ? 2. “ OMBJ”, the justification submitted by HHS. to the White House (an internal document) Fiscal Year 2016 Performance Budget Submission to Office of Management and Budget. How much money does the Department of Health and Human Services get? The Budget proposes $87.1 billion in discretionary budget authority and $1.2 trillion in […]

Which weapons India bought from Russia?

Which weapons India bought from Russia? With repeated delays in deals for procurement of AK-203 assault rifles and Kamov-226 utility helicopters from Russia, India has signed a deal for 70,000 AK-203 assault rifles to be procured off the shelf, while the Army is also looking at procuring limited number of helicopters off the shelf to […]

What instrument is dholak?

What instrument is dholak? folk percussion instrument A two-headed hand drum, Dholak is a folk percussion instrument. Around 45 cm in length and 27 cm in breadth, it is widely used in qawwali, kirtan, lavani and bhangra. The smaller surface of the dholak is made of goat skin for sharp notes while the bigger surface […]

How many dairy farms are in Indiana?

How many dairy farms are in Indiana? 800 dairy farms Indiana is home to more than 800 dairy farms of all shapes and sizes that together provide a home for over 174,000 dairy cows. The average farm has 140 cows and over 97 percent of dairy farms here and around the country are family owned. […]

What are some acronyms for math?

What are some acronyms for math? Remember in seventh grade when you were discussing the order of operations in math class and the teacher told you the catchy acronym, “PEMDAS” (parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction) to help you remember? Memorable acronyms aren’t the only way to memorize concepts. What is the acronym for solving […]

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