How are numbers written in French?

How are numbers written in French?

There are few numerals that are written by a single word in French: zèro, un, deux, trois, quatre and all other numbers until 16 (seize). It’s similar in English, but seventeen, eighteen and nineteen are also single words. The tens are also single words until 60: vingt, trente, quarante, cinquante, soixante.

Do you write out numbers in French?

Numbers are invariable in French, i.e. numbers are always spelt in the same way. Thus, 2 will always be written deux, 40 quarante etc. J’ai rangé les quatre livres que je viens d’acheter dans ma bibliothèque. (I put the four books I’ve just bought in my bookcase.)

What is the correct word for the digit 100 in French?


97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept
98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit
99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
100 cent

How do the French use the 24 hour clock?

French numbers In French, time is usually based on the 24-hour clock, like military time. Instead of 1 to 11 a.m., followed by 12 to 11 p.m., the clock continues counting up from 12, so that 1 p.m. is 13, 2 p.m. is 14, all the way up to 24.

What number is Treize?

Thirteen is the number 13.

How do you count from 60 to 100 in French?

Don’t forget that spelling counts, and pay attention to hyphens!

  1. dix : ten : 10.
  2. vingt : twenty : 20.
  3. trente : thirty : 30.
  4. quarante : forty : 40.
  5. cinquante : fifty : 50.
  6. soixante : sixty : 60.
  7. soixante-dix : seventy : 70.
  8. quatre-vingts : eighty : 80.

What is Soixante Quatorze?

English Translation. seventy four. Find more words!

Why are French numbers weird?

To make things more difficult, large numbers in French are generally spoken as a whole rather than broken down into digits. Phone numbers in France are said in pairs, so someone might tell you their number is zero six, trente-et-un, quatre-vingt-dix etc.

How do you write 1st April in French?

So, to say, “It’s January 1”, say: “c’est le premier janvier“. There are two more ways to say the date which you should learn: Nous sommes + le + number + month….Now practice saying some dates:

le 4 avril April 4 le premier juillet July 1
le premier november November 1 le 15 octobre October 15

What are all the French numbers from 1 to 100?

French Numbers from 1 to 100: French French numbers French numbers from 1 to 100: 1 – un (uh) 2 – deux (duhr) 3 – trois (twa) 4 – quatre (katr) 5 – cinq (sank) 6 – six (sees) 7 – sept (set) 8 – huit (weet) 9 – neuf (nurf) 10 – dix (dees) 11 – onze (onz) 12 – douze (dooz) 13 – treize (trez)

Are there any French numbers with English translations?

If you are in need of some French number translations, then you’ve come to the right page! Below is a list of French numbers with English translations ranging from 1 to 100, plus a selection of higher number translations as well like five hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, and one million.

How to write a phone number in French?

When giving a telephone number, for example, the French usually do so in two’s. In other words, a French phone number would be written like this: and they would say it like this: onze … cinquante-cinq…soixante-trois…quatre-vingt-douze.

Are there any double digit numbers in French?

Double-digit numbers in French follow special patterns. Learning the numbers to 100 in French can be done systematically. It is very important to master the numbers 1-20 because you will see these numbers used again and again. The numbers or les numéros (pronunciation: lay NEW-may-ro) from 1 to 20 in French are:

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