How big does a dracaena spike get?

How big does a dracaena spike get?

three feet tall
Spike can grow quite large, up to three feet tall and 18 inches wide. Leave a space of 12-18 inches around Spike or it will overwhelm its neighbors.

How do you care for a dracaena spike?

Dracaena Spikes (Dracaena indivisa)

  1. Plant Feed. Fertilize regularly for best display.
  2. Watering. Keep soil evenly moist.
  3. Soil. Fertile, well-drained soil.
  4. Basic Care Summary. Very easy to grow in virtually any location. Best in fertile, well-drained soil. Keep soil moist, watering freely in dry weather.

Can you trim dracaena spikes?

Dracaena spike does not require regular pruning, but you may wish to trim foliage at your own discretion to control the height and width of the plant. As with many other spiky plants, dracaena spike plants often develop brown tips either naturally or as a result of overwatering.

Is dracaena spike an indoor plant?

Dracaena, or spike plant, was traditionally considered a houseplant for years. However, it is finding favor in annual container gardens where the spiky upright leaves provide height and textural contrast to bushy and cascading annual flowers.

Can spikes be wintered over?

According to Wallish Greenhouses, the best way to overwinter dracaena spikes in colder areas is by moving them indoors. If the dracaena spikes are in planters, this is an easy job, and you will only need distilled water and a watering can.

Is spike dracaena poisonous to dogs?

Dracaena is toxic to both cats and dogs. Or rather saponin, a chemical compound that is found in the plant, is toxic to them. A dog eating dracaena leaves can result in vomiting (sometimes with and sometimes without blood), diarrhea, weakness, drooling, loss of appetite, and depression.

Why do spike plants turn brown?

The most common cause of browning leaf tips among Dracaena plants is under-watering, or allowing your Dracaena to sit dry for extended periods of time. In the winter, you can allow your plant to dry out more between waterings, but be sure to boost humidity with regular misting, a humidifier, or pebble tray.

Why do Dracenas lose leaves?

Cut off damaged roots and repot in a better situation. When a dracaena is losing leaves, overwatering is the first place to look, but the problem can also be caused by too little water. Touching the soil at the bottom of the pot will let you know if this may be the case.

Is a spike plant a succulent?

Description: Cephalophyllum Red Spike, commonly known as Red Spike Ice Plant is a low growing green succulent mat will explode in hot carmine-pink flowers from January through May. It only spreads a few feet.

Why Does My dracaena has brown tips?

Is dracaena toxic to humans?

Both the University of Connecticut and the University of Nebraska list the Dracaena genus as being nontoxic to humans, making it generally safe to grow around children.

Is the spike dracaena plant a good plant?

All in all, the Spike Dracaena is a versatile plant. It’s easy to care for and easy to decorate with. With its returning popularity, let’s keep our fingers crossed for even more colorful hybrids! Protecting Rose Bushes Through Deep Winter Brussels Sprouts, planting tips for a tasty harvest

What should I do if my Dracaena Spikes turn brown?

Immediately after transplanting the plants into pots, give them a good watering but only with distilled water, as tap water can have fluoride in it, and fluoride will give the leaves brown tips. Dracaena spikes like their soil to be consistently moist, according to University of Washington Botanic Gardens.

Is the spike Dracaena part of the asparagus family?

Dracaena spikes (Cordyline spp., USDA hardiness zones 7-11) are not actually dracaenas at all; rather, they are part of the asparagus family. All the same, spike dracaena plants can add some real visual interest to many outdoor gardens. However, many members of the group grow outside only in extremely warm places.

What kind of plant has spikes on it?

Dracaena spikes (Cordyline spp., USDA hardiness zones 7-11) are not actually dracaenas at all; rather, they are part of the asparagus family. All the same, spike dracaena plants can add some real visual interest to many outdoor gardens.

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