How do I get a nursing license in Germany?

How do I get a nursing license in Germany?

Procedure In A Glance:

  1. Obtain German language B2 level certificate.
  2. Get police clearance certificate and fitness certificate.
  3. Translation of your documents and certificates to German.
  4. RN licensing (Documents send to the province)
  5. Sending resume.
  6. Attend Interviews.
  7. Obtain job offer.
  8. Apply for German working visa.

How much do geriatric nurses make in Germany?

58.644 € (EUR)/yr.

Can I study nursing in English in Germany?

Generally, nursing schools in Germany require a general university entry qualification (Abitur) or completed vocational training (Berufsausbildung), knowledge of English at level B1. 2 and German level at least B2, and a motivational letter.

Can a nurse become a doctor in Germany?

The first aid course, elective subject, and three months of work experience in nursing can be completed anywhere, including outside of Germany. The last two semesters of medical training (one year) consist of an internship or PJ (Praktisches Jahr) at a medical facility.

How do I become a geriatric nurse in Germany?

Training to become a registered geriatric nurse Training consists of an academic part at a vocational school and a practical part, where the knowledge acquired is deepened and applied in nursing or support facilities. The training lasts three years full-time or four years part-time while working.

Is Germany good for nurses?

Germany is known for its well-paying nursing jobs. Now, you may be shocked with the fact that you are only getting 60% of your gross income, but this is the reason Germany is able to provide free health care services to everyone in the country.

Which country respect nurses most?

The best countries for a career in Nursing

  • New Zealand. The New Zealand healthcare system is split between state funded and private care, with nursing opportunities available in both.
  • Australia.
  • Denmark.
  • United States of America.

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