How do you cite Knowles andragogy?

How do you cite Knowles andragogy?


  1. (1975). Self-Directed Learning. Chicago: Follet.
  2. (1984). The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species (3rd Ed.). Houston: Gulf Publishing.
  3. (1984). Andragogy in Action. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

What is Malcolm Knowles best known for?

Adult education
Malcolm Knowles/Known for

Is Malcolm Knowles still alive?

Deceased (1913–1997)
Malcolm Knowles/Living or Deceased

What are the 6 assumptions about learning?

According to Knowles, Holton III, and Swanson (2005), andragogy includes six assumptions: (1) the need to know, (2) the learner’s self-concept, (3) the role of the learn- ers’ experiences, (4) readiness to learn, (5) orientation to learning, and (6) motivation.

Is andragogy still relevant?

In the field of adult education during recent decades, a process of growth and differentiation emerged as a scholarly and scientific approach, andragogy. It refers to the academic discipline(s) within university programs that focus on the education of adults; andragogy exists today worldwide.

What is self concept in andragogy?

Self-concept: Adults move from being dependent on others to self-direction as they mature. Experience: Adults gain experience as they grow that, in turn, becomes a valuable tool in learning.

What is Heutagogy education?

Heutagogy, otherwise known as self-determined learning, is a student-centered instructional strategy that emphasizes the development of autonomy, capacity, and capability.

What is Cybergogy?

The use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has created a new teaching and learning concept in education pedagogy known as cybergogy. Cybergogy focuses on helping students from young to adults to learn easily through the virtual environment. In fact, distance /online learning is the outcome of cybergogy.

Who is the father of andragogy?

Malcolm Shepherd Knowles
Father of American Andragogy: A Biographical Study. Doctor of Philosophy (College and University Teaching), August, 1994, 141 pp. This is a qualitative, single-subject, historical, and biographical study. Malcolm Shepherd Knowles is the subject of this research.

What did Malcolm Knowles do?

Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (August 24, 1913 – November 27, 1997) was an American adult educator, famous for the adoption of the theory of andragogy—initially a term coined by the German teacher Alexander Kapp.

Who introduced experiential learning?

David Kolb
David Kolb is best known for his work on the experiential learning theory or ELT. Kolb published this model in 1984, getting his influence from other great theorists including John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget.

Who was Malcolm Knowles and what did he do?

A champion of andragogy, self-direction in learning and informal adult education, Malcolm S. Knowles was a very influential figure in the adult education field. Here we review his life and achievements, and assess his contribution.

When did Malcolm Knowles write informal adult education?

Adult informal education The notion of informal adult education had been around in the YMCA before Malcolm Knowles’ book was published in 1950. In Britain Josephine Macalister Brew had published the first full-length treatment of informal education in 1946. However Informal Adult Education was a significant addition to the literature.

Where did Malcolm Shepherd Knowles go to college?

His A.B. degree from Harvard University in 1934 was followed by positions as director of related training for the National Youth Administration; director of adult education for the Boston YMCA; director of the Detroit United Services Organization; duty as an officer in the U.S. Navy; and executive secretary of the Chicago YMCA.

When did Malcolm Knowles retire from North Carolina State University?

Malcolm S. Knowles ‘retired’ in 1979 but continued to be deeply involved in various consultancies and in running workshops for various agencies (something he had begun much earlier in his career). He was also associated with North Carolina State University as Professor Emeritus.

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