How do you redirect error and output to the same file in Unix?

How do you redirect error and output to the same file in Unix?

2 Answers

  1. Redirect stdout to one file and stderr to another file: command > out 2>error.
  2. Redirect stdout to a file ( >out ), and then redirect stderr to stdout ( 2>&1 ): command >out 2>&1.

How do I redirect a Linux error to a file?

The redirection operator (command > file) only redirects standard output and hence, the standard error is still displayed on the terminal. The default standard error is the screen. The standard error can also be redirected so that error messages do not clutter up the output of the program.

How do I save error output in Linux?

The syntax is as follows to redirect output (stdout) as follows:

  1. command-name > output.txt command-name > stdout.txt.
  2. command-name 2> errors.txt command-name 2> stderr.txt.
  3. command1 > out.txt 2> err.txt command2 -f -z -y > out.txt 2> err.txt.
  4. command1 > everything.txt 2>&1 command1 -arg > everything.txt 2>&1.

How do I redirect a shell output to a file?

To use bash redirection, you run a command, specify the > or >> operator, and then provide the path of a file you want the output redirected to. > redirects the output of a command to a file, replacing the existing contents of the file.

Which command will direct both standard output and standard error to the file?

Redirecting both Standard Output & Standard Error Use 2>&1 Syntax to redirect standard error to the same location as standard output . Above Command has three parts. 2>&1 sends the output of the file descriptor 2, stderr , to the same location as the file descriptor 1, stdout.

What is output redirection in Linux?

Output redirection is used to put output of one command into a file or into another command.

How to redirect error output to null in Linux?

Unix and Linux: Redirect Error Output To null Command 1 stdin – 0 – St an d ard In put (usually keyboard or file) 2 stdout – 1 – St an d ard Out put (usually screen) 3 stderr – 2 – St an d ard Err or (usually screen)

How to redirect error output to a file?

Linux and Unix redirect all output and error to file. The syntax is: ## send command output to output.txt and error message to error.txt ## command > output.txt 2> error.txt command -arg1 -arg2 > output.txt 2> error.txt. If you want both stderr and stdout in same file, try: command > log.txt 2>&1. Use cat command to display log.txt on screen:

How to redirect error messages in Unix knowledge base?

However, from sh or tcsh you can invoke a Bourne-like shell to run a command that redirects standard error messages. To redirect standard error messages, enter the following: You can use sh or bash in the place of ksh. Replace commands with redirection syntax, for example:

How to redirect a command to a file?

You can also put the command in a function body, or in a subshell (commands inside parentheses, which are executed in a separate shell process). You can redirect the file descriptors of the shell permanently (or at least until the next time you change them) by using a redirection on the execbuiltin with no command name.

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