Is there tutoring service at Ohio State University?

Is there tutoring service at Ohio State University?

Tutoring Services Tutoring is provided by University Housing. All tutoring is free, and provided by certified peer tutors. Ohio State students attending the Columbus Campus can sign up for free online tutoring appointments in math, chemistry and physics.

Where can I get in-person economics tutoring?

In-Person tutoring is located in 385 Arps Hall. **This information is subject to change. No appointment is necessary for in-person tutoring, just arrive during our open hours! Click HERE to access SignUpGenius and schedule an online tutoring appointment.

Is the Department of Economics at Ohio State?

The Ohio State University Department of Economics offers a graduate program leading to the Ph.D degree, undergraduate programs leading to B.S. and B.A. degrees, minor programs, and a rigorous undergraduate honors program that opens doors to a wide variety of careers. Home.

When is ELC open for OSU economics students?

The ELC provides FREE peer tutoring in Economics; any student enrolled in an economics course at OSU can seek these tutoring services. We will be open August 30th through December 16th.

Where are the math and Statistics Learning Center tutor rooms?

Refer to the individual course pages for hours of operation and location of tutor room. Tutoring is free for students enrolled in supported math and stats courses, and no appointment is needed! The Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center tutor rooms are located in Cockins Hall (CH), and the Mathematics Building (MA) .

Where can I get a tutor for college?

The Center offers tutoring for every college on campus. Students may request tutoring for any course in which they are currently enrolled. Though tutoring isn’t always available for every course on campus, the LASSO staff will gladly work to find a tutor or provide alternative options if a suitable tutor can’t be identified.

Can you get a tutor at Lasso center?

Qualified tutors meet GPA & course content standards and are approved by the LASSO Center staff. The Center offers tutoring for every college on campus. Students may request tutoring for any course in which they are currently enrolled.

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