What are some inspirational videos?

What are some inspirational videos?

10 Must-Watch Inspirational YouTube Videos

  • #1 Get Back Up, Nick Vujicic.
  • #2 Failure is not falling down, but failing to get up after falling.
  • #3 Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.
  • #4 Free Hugs Campaign.
  • #5 A Father’s amazing love.
  • #6 Christian the Lion.

How do you motivate yourself to play sports?


  1. Make it fun. Find sports or activities that you enjoy, then vary the routine to keep it interesting.
  2. Make physical activity part of your daily routine. If it’s hard to find time for exercise, don’t fall back on excuses.
  3. Put it on paper.
  4. Join forces with friends, neighbors or others.
  5. Reward yourself.
  6. Be flexible.

How do athletes get motivated?

Recommendation: Here are five ways to increase self-motivation in athletes:

  1. Have regular training partners. No matter how hard players train alone, they will work that much harder if they have someone pushing them.
  2. Identify Greatest Competitor.
  3. Motivational Keys.
  4. Ask Daily Questions.
  5. Training Diary.

When you step out on that field everyone is equal talent it means nothing?

When you step out on that field… everyone is equal. Talent… it means nothing. They may be more talented than you… but if you show more HEART… if you show more FOCUS…

What is the best motivation video?

10 BEST Inspirational Videos Under 5 Minutes

  • Al Pacino’s Inspirational Speech:
  • Good Will Hunting – Park Scene:
  • Never, Ever Give Up:
  • The Power of Words:
  • Dead Poets Society:
  • Sacrifice:
  • 9: Rocky Balboa’s Inspirational Speech:
  • 10: Entrepreneurs Can Change the World:

How do you make uplifting videos?

Here are 6 easy ways to craft an inspiring short-form video that viewers will want to engage with and share all over.

  1. Set the tone for a healthy mindset.
  2. Turn an inspirational quote into a visual story.
  3. Repackage viral, feel-good stories with your own commentary.
  4. Provide actionable solutions for common issues.

How do you motivate an unmotivated athlete?

Here are nine great ways to help you realize when your athlete needs help and know what to do to motivate them when they do:

  1. Recognize motivational shifts.
  2. Increase communication.
  3. Be a good role model.
  4. Derive motivation.
  5. Use imagery.
  6. Set goals.
  7. Positive reinforcement.
  8. Team effort.

What does arousal in sport mean?

Arousal is the level of activation and alertness experienced by a performer. For example, a judo player may feel highly aroused the moments before a bout and much less aroused an hour after the contest has ended.

What to say to motivate an athlete?

Best Motivational Quotes from Famous Athletes

  1. 1) “If something stands between you and your success, move it.
  2. 2) “Don’t be afraid of failure.
  3. 3) “You dream.
  4. 4) “You must not only have competitiveness but ability, regardless of the circumstance you face, to never quit.”
  5. 5) “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.

What do you say to a struggling athlete?

25 things to say to an athlete struggling with lack of confidence…

  1. Prepare until you have through the roof confidence.
  2. Talk to people that have a track record of success.
  3. Read stories of people that overcome odds.
  4. The only defeat worth crying about is the defeat you choose to accept.
  5. Losing Can Teach You How to Win.

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