What is a MIPR payment?

What is a MIPR payment?

A Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) is an order issued by one military service to another to procure services, supplies, or equipment for the requiring service. The MIPR (DD Form 448) may be accepted on a direct citation or reimbursable basis.

What is the MIPR process?

The Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) is a method for transferring funds from one military organization to another to procure services, supplies, or equipment for the requiring service.

Is a MIPR a contract?

As detailed on DD Form 448-2, Category II are considered direct cite MIPRs and have an associated contract. Services are billed via invoice and are certified against the MIPR line of accounting (LOA). When accepted as a direct cite, the contract is required for obligation in the DBMS as outlined further below. 3.2.

How do MIPRs work?

A Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) allows military agencies the opportunity to obligate funds from a finance and accounting office to federal agencies for the purpose of purchasing products and services.

What are canceled funds?

Expired – Funds can no longer be obligated for new requirements, but are still available to pay the bills. Canceled – Funds are no longer available for anything, including to pay the bills.

What is reimbursable funding?

Reimbursable obligations are obligations financed by offsetting collections credited to an expenditure account in payment for goods and services provided by that account. The collection must be authorized by law to credit the specific appropriation or fund account.

What is a cat ii MIPR?

The DFAS reimburses the assisting/servicing agency using the requiring activity’s fund cites. The MIPR number is the source document number throughout the life of the acquisition. Direct Cite Order (CAT II): The assisting agency directly cites the PM’s fund cite on the resulting contract.

What is a MIPR Air Force?

All are key purchase options using DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR). 1.1. 1.1. Intra-Agency Acquisition Using a DD Form 448. For example, an Air Force unit sends a MIPR to the Army and an order is placed for supplies/services for the Air Force from an Army existing contract.

What is DOD permitted to do with expired funds?

Expired funds may be used to adjust existing obligations, such as paying for a price increase after an in-scope change to an existing contract. Section 1552]) However, obligation adjustment reporting (OAR) approval is required before contracting action can be executed.

What are 3600 funds?

Funds for Air Force operations are made available by Congress through a variety of appropriations: I. Investment Appropriations: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) (3600)

What is reimbursable work?

(7) Reimbursable Work refers to work or services performed or to be performed for another Federal or non-Federal customer. DOE is compensated by a specific type of offsetting collection known as a reimbursement, which may be credited as authorized by law to the appropriation or DOE fund account.

What are reimbursable agreements?

What is a Reimbursable Agreement? It is a agreement that ensures the cost recovery of goods and/or services provided by an entity.

What does MIPR stand for in military category?

The Special Order Program: MIPR Guidance A Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) allows military agencies the opportunity to obligate funds from a finance and accounting office to federal agencies for the purpose of purchasing products and services.

What is the military interdepartmental purchase request ( MIPR )?

Please help improve it by replacing them with more appropriate citations to reliable, independent, third-party sources. The Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request ( MIPR) is a method for transferring funds amongst U.S. military organizations.

How is funding associated with a MIPR?

Funding associated with MIPRs is “committed” once the requesting entity completes official funds certification action to administratively reserve funds within its financial management system. Depending on each situation and agency involved, a MIPR can be accepted by the performing agency either “direct cite” method or “reimbursable” method.

How long does it take to receive a MIPR? Accepting/servicing agencies are requested to accept the MIPR within 5 business days; however, in some instances, they are not always received promptly. It is the responsibility of the originator to contact the accepting/servicing agency if the MIPR acceptance is not returned to them.

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