What is Navarea and Metarea?

What is Navarea and Metarea?

The METAREA coordinators support the Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) while the NAVAREA coordinators support the Worldwide Navigation Warning Service. Both provide forecast and warning products to mariners via SafetyNet and Navtex as part of the WWMIWS.

How do you get Navarea warnings?

To get the in force list, go to reports and then select “in force warnings”. Select the area for which you want “in force warnings” list and then click on “get report”. This will display the in force list of navarea warnings for that area.

How many Navarea are there?

Map of the 21 NAVAREAS into which all the world’s oceans are divided. Each serves to allocate responsibility for sending Marine and Safety Information (navigational warnings) to ships at sea, as part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

What is Navarea VIII?

NAVAREA VIII Warnings Inforce Navigational Warnings are issued in response to SOLAS V/2. b and carry information which may have a direct bearing on the safety of life at sea. The Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India is responsible for issuing Navarea Warnings to Mariners for Navarea VIII region.

How many Metarea are there?

For navigation and weather forecasting purposes, the world is divided into 21 NAVAREAs or METAREAs , the terms are interchangeable.

How do you get to Navarea?

A list of in-force navarea warnings can be obtained from the Reports option. In-force list of warnings can be received from SAT C every week. Navarea warnings can be shown on the map.

Where can I find Navarea?

Which would be the subject of a Navarea warning?

NAVAREA warnings: are issued by a NAVAREA coordinator and include information required by ocean-going mariners for safe navigation. They include information required for safe navigation within port or inshore waters that passing ocean-going vessels do not require.

What is GMDSS and why GMDSS established?

The GMDSS is an automated ship to shore system using satellites and digital selective calling technology. The GMDSS is mandated for ships internationally by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS), 1974, as amended in 1988, and carries the force of an international treaty.

What is Navarea warning?

NAVAREA Warnings are concerned with information which ocean-going mariners require for their safe navigation. This includes, in particular, failures to important aids to navigation as well as information which may require changes to planned navigational routes.

What is navtex used for?

NAVTEX (NAVigational TEleX), sometimes styled Navtex or NavTex, is an international automated medium frequency direct-printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent maritime safety information (MSI) to ships.

What is Gmdss and why Gmdss established?

Are there any NAVAREA warnings in GMDSS A3?

NAVAREA warnings: are issued by a NAVAREA coordinator and include information required by ocean-going mariners for safe navigation. They are principally affecting main shipping routes and offshore areas within GMDSS Sea Area A3, so they are not broadcast via the NAVTEX system but via satellite and/or HF NBDP.

What are the Navareas and METAREAs used for?

They include information required for safe navigation within port or inshore waters that passing ocean-going vessels do not require. For meteorological warnings each NAVAREA is sub-divided into METAREA s’ METAREA s are usually divided into sea areas for weather forecast broadcast using INMARSAT -C ( EGC ), NAVTEX, VHF, MF / SSB and HF / SSB radio.

How many METAREAs are there in the GMDSS?

More information about the GMDSS is available at the GMDSS Master Plan module of GISIS . The worlds’ oceans have been divided into 21 areas, called METAREAS, for the provision of marine products to shipping.

Who is responsible for issuing a NAVAREA warning?

The administration tasked with collating and distributing MSI to cover the whole of a NAVAREA is known as the NAVAREA coordinator. NAVAREA warnings: are issued by a NAVAREA coordinator and include information required by ocean-going mariners for safe navigation.


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