How does Hulk transform into Hulk?

How does Hulk transform into Hulk?

The gamma rays mutate Bruce Banner’s DNA and cause him to transform into The Hulk whenever he’s angry. Gamma rays good? Gamma rays are a type of high-energy radiation.

How does Hulk transform?

Struck by a sudden burst of rage, the gamma rays in frail Dr. Bruce Banner irradiated body trigger his astonishing transformation into The Incredible Hulk. His bones lengthen. His skin turns green (or grey).

Why did The Incredible Hulk actor change?

“Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors,” he wrote, in part, “but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members.

What is it called when Hulk transforms?

The Transformations of the Hulk (also known as “Hulk-outs”) are one of the main features of stories dealing with the Hulk. They are found in the comics, movies, or television series.

Why is the Hulk so muscular?

In The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #5, Hulk’s entry states when Banner Hulks out, his body adds 800 pounds of tissue and bone marrow. This stupendous amount of muscle mass is derived from an unknown source of energy.

Is it possible to turn into the Hulk?

While these complex methods a cell employs to influence gene expression offer a potential explanation for how someone could temporarily become a Hulk, it is by no means probable. Most massive gamma radiation doses would destroy genes that are essential to survival.

Why is Hulk so muscular?

Like Deadpool, the Hulk’s body is made up of benign cancer cells. Cancer cells divide and regenerate rapidly. The Hulk tumors that make up his body derive power from ambient gamma energy. They are superhuman cancer cells that can use raw energy to heal any injury instantaneously.

Do I need to watch the Incredible Hulk?

As previously explained by Jon Favreau himself, Hulk is set just after Iron Man 2, with Tony now officially on the Avengers team (as evidenced by his cameo in the end of the film). And that’s pretty much the only scene you need to watch. Whether you know he once hunted down the Hulk is pretty much irrelevant.

Is Tony Stark in The Incredible Hulk?

Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark had a cool cameo in The Incredible Hulk – and tie-in comics explain his relationship with Thunderbolt Ross.

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