What are the major resources of Indonesia?

What are the major resources of Indonesia?

The most important minerals found and produced in Indonesia are tin, bauxite, nickel, gold and copper.

What is Indonesia known to produce?

The country is a major exporter of crude petroleum and natural gas. In addition, Indonesia is one of the world’s main suppliers of rubber, coffee, cocoa, and palm oil; it also produces a wide range of other commodities, such as sugar, tea, tobacco, copra, and spices (e.g., cloves).

What is Indonesia the largest producer of?

Currently, Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of palm oil and the leading producer of coffee, rubber and cocoa.

What is Indonesia’s main source of income?

Indonesia: Economy

Economic Trivia The industry sector is the economy’s largest and accounts for 46.4% of GDP (2012), this is followed by services (38.6%) and agriculture (14.4%).
Top Industries Petroleum and Natural Gas; Textiles; Automotive; Electrical Appliances

Does Indonesia have natural resources?

Indonesia abounds with natural resources. It is the world’s largest exporter of steam coal, refined tin and (until the enforcement of the export ban earlier this year) nickel ore. It is also a leading exporter of gold, bauxite, lead, zinc and copper. Its potential in renewable resources is also huge.

How many natural resources does Indonesia have?

The key natural resources of the country include silver, coal, fertile soil, natural gas, petroleum, gold, bauxite, tin, copper, timber, and nickel. Indonesia is a globally leading exporter of tin and thermal coal. The mining industry in the country makes up 11.9% of its GDP.

What is Indonesia’s biggest export?

Indonesia’s most important export commodities are oil and gas, minerals, crude palm oil, electrical appliances and rubber products. However Indonesia exports of goods and services, as a proportion of GDP, is relatively low at 20%.

What is Indonesia’s main crop?

The main staple food crop in Indonesia is rice, which is produced mainly in irrigated or lowland systems. The other food crops are called palawija or secondary crops because they are usually grown after lowland rice, the first crop in the one-year crop rotation system.

What is Indonesia’s main industry?

Major industrial sectors include petroleum and natural gas, textiles and apparel, mining, footwear, plywood, rubber and chemical fertilisers. The services sector is equally as important to Indonesia’s economy, accounting for 43 per cent of GDP in 2015. Agriculture on the other hand only accounted for 14 per cent.

Is Indonesia the largest producer of natural gas?

The two largest producers of natural gas (the USA and Russia) together account for almost 40 percent of total global gas production….Top Natural Gas Producing Countries in 2015:

1. United States
2. Russia
767.3 83.0
10. Indonesia
767.3 75.0

What are the natural features of Indonesia?

Top 10 Wonders of Indonesia

  • Mount Bromo. Located in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park beside Mount Semeru in East Java, Mount Bromo remains one of the most active volcanoes in the world.
  • Lake Toba.
  • Rafflesia.
  • Raja Ampat.
  • Kelimutu National Park.
  • Green Canyon.
  • Jayawijaya Mountain.
  • Tanjung Puting National Park.

What is Indonesia’s main import?

Indonesia has generous natural resources, including crude oil, natural gas, tin, copper, and gold. Its key imports include machinery and equipment, chemicals, fuels, and foodstuffs. Major exports include oil and gas, electrical appliances, plywood, rubber and textiles.

What are some natural resources of Indonesia?

Overview of Resources. Indonesia has abundant mineral resources, including tin, gold, natural gas, coal, nickel and copper. Silver, bauxite and petroleum are also available in smaller quantities.

What is Indonesia’s primary natural resource export?

The country is a major exporter of crude petroleum and natural gas. In addition, Indonesia is one of the world’s main suppliers of rubber, coffee, cocoa, and palm oil; it also produces a wide range of other commodities, such as sugar, tea, tobacco, copra, and spices (e.g., cloves).

What are the major resources of India?

India’s major mineral resources include Coal (fourth-largest reserves in the world), Iron ore, Manganese, Mica, Bauxite, Titanium ore, Chromite, Natural gas, Diamonds, Petroleum, Limestone and Thorium (world’s largest along Kerala’s shores). India’s oil reserves, found in Bombay High off the coast of Maharashtra, Gujarat,…

What is the Indonesian rainforest?

Indonesian Rainforests. Indonesia’s rainforests are one of earth’s most biologically and culturally rich landscapes. The world’s largest archipelago, Indonesia consists of almost 18,000 islands spanning between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

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