What does Pedar Sookhteh mean?

What does Pedar Sookhteh mean?

pedar sookhteh: meaning “little rascal” (and also used as a term of endearment) but translated as “your father is burned”.

What does Ghorboonet Beram mean?

I’ll sacrifice myself for you
Ghorbunet [beram] (I’ll sacrifice myself for you) is another Persian term of endearment, but try it as a “thank you” or “goodbye” instead.

What is jigar in Persian?

Jigar or Jeegar , used in [gujrati] and English-language communities. Jigar is also an Urdu slang name for friend. The name has a Persian background and history. The meaning of Jigar is kind-hearted.

What does Khak bar saret mean?

What is the meaning ‘khak to saret” or “khak bar saret?” It’s an expletive literally meaning, ‘May you be buried’.

What does daram mean in Farsi?

in persian we say khaley dooset daram that means love you so much. khaley means a lot or so much or very and words like these.

What do you call your lover in Persian?

10 Sweet Persian Terms of Endearment to Call Your Loved Ones

  • Azizam. Azizam literally means “my dear” and is a general term of endearment that you can use with anyone- friend, family, lover, old, young.
  • Khoshgelam.
  • Jigar talâ
  • Eshgham.
  • Aziz-e delam.
  • Âsheghetam.
  • Dooset dâram.
  • Kharâbetam.

What does bezan mean in Farsi?

Harf bezan =حرف بزن =>speak So it means : where Are you, talk ( to me )?

What does damet Garm mean in Farsi?

May your breath be warm
Damet garm Literally: May your breath be warm. Meaning: A living person’s breath is warm, so this slang expression of gratitude and appreciation/well done/thanks symbolizes that you hope the person will always be alive.

What do you call your Persian girlfriend?

12 Things to Call Your Persian Lover

  • aziz-am. This is one of the most common Persian terms of endearment, and simply means ‘my dear.
  • joon-am.
  • jāné del-am.
  • sheereen-am.
  • hamsar-am.
  • ātashé del-am.
  • delbar-am.
  • (moosh) moosh-am.

What does the phrase Boko Haram mean in Arabic?

The answer Group’s official name is Arabic – Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad But Hausa-speaking locals called it Boko Haram Haram means forbidden in Arabic, while Hausa phrase “ilimin boko” was shortened to boko and has come to mean Western-style education

Who is the current leader of Boko Haram?

Boko Haram. On 7 March 2015, Boko Haram’s leader Abubakar Shekau pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, rebranding as Islamic State in West Africa. In September 2015, the Director of Information at the Defence Headquarters of Nigeria announced that all Boko Haram camps had been destroyed.

What does the phrase ” ilimin boko ” mean?

It led to anger among Muslims at the imposition of a non-Islamic education system. The term “ilimin boko” was used to describe the kind of schooling the colonialists brought with them. Literally ilimi is education (an n is added when it appears as part of a phrase). So ilimin boko is fake education.

When did Boko Haram first attack a prison?

One early operation that garnered widespread attention occurred in September 2010, when the group attacked a prison in the city of Bauchi, in Bauchi state, and released more than 700 inmates, including some 100 Boko Haram members.

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