What happens in Jupiter Rahu Dasha?

What happens in Jupiter Rahu Dasha?

The Effect of Rahu Antardasha in the Mahadasha of Jupiter This Dasha brings a lot of confusion and problems in life. The natives become egoistic and overbearing. They also indulge in unnecessary arguments and quarrels. Due to this, family relationships also deteriorate.

How Rahu Dasha ends?

If Rahu is malefic in a native’s horoscope then its end brings relief into the life of native. When Rahu Mahadasha ends, Jupiter Dasha begins. Jupiter Dasha remains for the period of 16 years. AS Jupiter is the Lord of wisdom and life lessons, people tend to learn new things depending upon their past deeds.

Is Rahu Dasha always bad?

Rahu Dasha can be good or bad depending on the positioning of planets in the horoscope of an individual. The mind of a native does not stay stable during the Dasha and generally travels a lot. What is Rahu? Though most people think it is one of the nine planets, it is non-existent in reality.

Which planet is responsible for delay in marriage?

The most important planet for marriage in case of females is Jupiter and in case of males is Venus. Saturn has a major role in the delay of marriage.

How does Jupiter affect the Mahadasha of Saturn?

The Effect of Jupiter (Guru) Antardasha in the Mahadasha of Saturn Jupiter is a benefic planet and like Saturn, it is also strongly associated with knowledge and spirituality. During this Dasha, Jupiter reduces the harmful effects of Saturn. In this period, the natives acquire a lot of will, intelligence and courage to fight the enemies.

Is the Jupiter antardasha with Rahu mahadasha good?

The Rahu Antardasha bring legal cases, enmity, jail and many kinds of obstacles in life. The Jupiter Antardasha with the Mahadasha of Rahu is generally good.

Is the planet Rahu in the birth chart?

Almost everyone of us knows about planet Rahu and Rahu Mahadasha. Rahu is a malefic or evil planet by nature. It does harm when it is posited in the malefic house. This evil planet does not have a house. It bring result of the planets where it places in the birth chart.

Which is the harshest period of Rahu mahadasha?

Rahu Mahadasha and Saturn Antardasha is the harshest period in your life I can say. Both Saturn and Rahu are evil or malefic by nature. It is extremely harmful during the period Dasha of Rahu and Antardasha of Saturn. You should be very careful if you have been running through the Mahadasha of Rahu and Antardasha of Shani.

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