What plant was used in the simulation to measure the rate of photosynthesis?

What plant was used in the simulation to measure the rate of photosynthesis?

In this virtual lab investigation you will determine how carbon dioxide concentration and light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis in the aquatic plant, Elodea. You will measure the rate of photosynthesis by counting the number of oxygen bubbles that are released from the plant over a period of time.

What is the purpose of the photosynthesis Virtual lab?

The lab simulates actual conditions when plants are subjected to various wavelengths of light. The students use an interactive website for data gathering, and use Google Drive for the analysis and presentation of data.

What is photosynthesis Virtual lab?

In this virtual photosynthesis lab, students can manipulate the light intensity, light color, and distance from the light source. A plant is shown in a beaker and test tube which bubbles to indicate the rate of photosynthesis. Their collected data is then compared to a graph of the absorption spectrum of light.

What are the two other things you can change on this simulator and do you think they might impact the rate of photosynthesis?

Oxygen is measured in the number of bubbles produced by the plant. This simulator addresses three factors that influence the rate of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide availability, light intensity, and light color can all be adjusted in the simulator to determine how each of the factors affects the rate of photosynthesis.

How will cellular respiration affect oxygen levels?

Cellular respiration converts oxygen and glucose into water and carbon dioxide. Water and carbon dioxide are by- products and ATP is energy that is transformed from the process.

What happens if you remove air from stomata?

If you draw the gases out from the spaces, then the leaves will sink because they become more dense than water. If this leaf disk is placed in a solution with an alternate source of carbon dioxide in the form of bicarbonate ions, then photosynthesis can occur in a sunken leaf disk.

How does NaHCO3 affect photosynthesis?

If more baking soda is added to the sodium bicarbonate solution, then the leaf disks will rise to the surface of the solution quicker because of the subsequent increase in carbon dioxide levels which induces photosynthesis in the presence of light and leads to the accumulation of oxygen in the air spaces of the spongy …

Why was detergent added to the solution?

Why was detergent added to the solution for the photosynthesis lab? Detergent is amphiphilic and coats the leaf disks, taking the gases out of leaves and allowing them to sink. Detergent is also a surfactant, so it takes away water’s surface tension. The bicarbonate ion acts as a carbon source for photosynthesis.

Why don t leaf discs soak in the water control float?

Why don’t the leaf disks soaking in the water (control) float? The leaf disks soaking in the water don’t float because cellular respiration is occurring at the same time as photosynthesis and will consume the oxygen that has accumulated, causing the plant disks to sink.

What happens if respiration exceeds photosynthesis?

Answer : If the rate of respiration exceeds the rate of photosynthesis, the plant will be using more oxygen than it can produce. Thus, the plant will be starved of food supply and finally die of starvation.

How does oxygen levels affect photosynthesis?

More oxygen means higher rate of photosynthesis. Oxygen gas is product in photosynthesis. To produce more oxygen, photosynthesis rate needs to be higher. Greater light intensity and higher temperature cause more oxygen production and that translates to rapid rate of photosynthesis.

Which step is the beginning of photosynthesis?

The first step in photosynthesis is the absorption of light energy. synthesis of water. production of oxygen. formation of ATP.

What are the 3 major steps of photosynthesis?

The plant takes in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the stomata on its leaves.

  • Water gets into the plant mainly through the roots and finds its way to the leaves,where photosynthesis occurs.
  • Chlorophyll,the green coloring matter of the leaf,traps the energy from sunlight as it shines on the leaf.
  • What are the results of photosynthesis?

    The result of photosynthesis is glucose, which is stored as chemical energy in the plant cells. This stored chemical energy comes from the conversion of inorganic carbon (carbon dioxide) into organic carbon. Respiration releases the stored chemical energy.

    What is the hypothesis for photosynthesis?

    Hypothesis: The rate of photosynthesis in the water plant hydrilla will change as the rate of carbon dioxide changes. Background information: Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process of autotrophs turning carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen, using light energy from sunlight.

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