Can optic gliomas be removed?

Can optic gliomas be removed?

Surgery and radiation therapy are two possible ways of treating optic nerve glioma. Your doctor can determine which type of treatment is best for you. Surgery is not always an option. Surgery may be performed if doctors believe they can use it to completely remove the tumor.

Is optic nerve glioma cancer?

Optic nerve gliomas are benign (non-cancerous) brain tumors that grow on the nerves that carry vision from the eyes to the brain (the optic nerves). Optic nerve gliomas are found in approximately one in five children with NF1. These tumors commonly arise in young children and can affect their vision.

How common are optic gliomas?

While these are serious tumors, they have a high cure rate. Optic nerve glioma accounts for five percent of all childhood brain tumors. Nearly 75 percent of optic nerve gliomas, which may affect one or both eyes, occur in children younger than ten years old.

What are optic nerve gliomas?

An optic nerve glioma (also called an optic pathway glioma) is a slow-growing brain tumor in or around the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects the eye to the brain. As the tumor progresses, it presses on the optic nerve, causing vision problems. While these are serious tumors, they have a high cure rate.

What kind of tumor is on the optic nerve?

Optic nerve gliomas are benign (non-cancerous) brain tumors that grow on the nerves that carry vision from the eyes to the brain (the optic nerves). Optic nerve gliomas are found in approximately one in five children with NF1. Optic nerve glioma. These tumors commonly arise in young children and can affect their vision.

How many gliomas are found in the optic nerve?

Optic-nerve gliomas Comprise about 1% of all intracranial tumors. About 10% of optic pathway tumors are located within an optic nerve. One third of the tumors involve both optic nerve and chiasm, a further third involve predominantly the chiasm itself, and one fourth is predominantly in the hypothalamus. 5 5% gliomas are multicentric.

Do you need MRI for optic nerve gliomas?

Baseline MRI of the brain to look for optic nerve gliomas in young children with a normal eye exam is not necessary. Most optic nerve gliomas in children with NF1 will not continue to grow and will not cause vision problems.

What are the symptoms of optic pathway gliomas?

Table 2. Potential presenting features by category in pediatric patients with optic pathway gliomas System Presenting Feature Ocular Decreased visual acuity Optic atrophy Pa Neurological Headache Nausea/vomiting Seizures Crania Endocrine Precocious puberty Short stature Diabete

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