What are the side effects of nitrolingual spray?

What are the side effects of nitrolingual spray?

Side Effects Headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, and flushing may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Headache is often a sign that this medication is working.

How long do the effects of nitrolingual spray last?

Each metered spray of Nitrolingual®Pumpspray delivers 48 mg of solution containing 400 mcg of nitroglycerin after an initial priming of 5 sprays. It will remain adequately primed for 6 weeks. If the product is not used within 6 weeks it can be adequately reprimed with 1 spray.

What are the side effects of male enhancement pills?

Serious side effects from over-the-counter male enhancement drugs include:

  • Damage to the urethra (tube that lets out urine and semen)
  • Permanent difficulty maintaining an erection.
  • Permanent problems with urination.
  • Penis “fractures” (a rupture of the tissue in the penis) causing bleeding and requiring surgery.

What happens when you use nitro spray?

Nitrolingual Pumpspray (nitroglycerin lingual spray) is a nitrate that dilates (widens) blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow through them and easier for the heart to pump, used to treat or prevent attacks of chest pain (angina).

How long does nitroglycerin last in your system?

6. Response and effectiveness. Nitroglycerin acts in the body for an extremely short period (the half-life is 1 to 4 minutes), although it is metabolized to longer-lived active metabolites.

What happens when you take Nitro and you don’t need it?

If you don’t take it at all: If you don’t take this drug at all, you may have severe chest pain. If you miss doses or don’t take the drug on schedule: This drug is not meant to be taken on a schedule. Take it only when you have chest pain. If you take too much: You could have dangerous levels of the drug in your body.

Are there any side effects of the Rhino pill?

Rhino Pill Side Effects Linked to Hospitalizations and Injuries, FDA Warns. In a press release issued on November 27, the FDA indicates that Rhino pills should not be purchased or used, citing a number of complaints involving severe headaches, chest pain, and prolonged erections that may lead to the need for surgery and hospitalization.

Are there any side effects to taking nitrofurantoin?

More common 1 Changes in facial skin color. 2 chest pain. 3 chills. 4 cough. 5 fever. 6 (more items)

What are the long term side effects of Nitro Dur?

1 Bluish-colored lips, fingernails, or palms 2 dark urine 3 fever 4 pale skin 5 rapid heart rate 6 sore throat 7 unusual bleeding or bruising 8 unusual tiredness or weakness

Are there any side effects to taking nitroglycerin?

Less common 1 Abdominal or stomach pain. 2 body aches or pain. 3 congestion. 4 hoarseness. 5 lack or loss of strength. 6 (more items)

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