What is National Family Welfare Programme?

What is National Family Welfare Programme?

National Family Planning Programme Integrated RCH camps provide a wide range of services including counselling, antenatal and post-natal check-ups, TT vaccination and IFA distribution, RTI/STI treatment, immunization of children, IUCD insertions, oral pills, condoms and sterilization services including NSV.

What is National Family Welfare Programme Slideshare?

It is a reflection of the government anxiety to promote family planning through the total welfare of the family. • It is aimed at achieving a higher end i.e. to improve the quality of life of the people.

What is National Family Welfare Programme explain in detail national health intervention Programme for mother and child?

The RCH 2 vision articulates, “ improving access , use and quality of RCH services , especially for the poor and underserved population .” AIMOF RCH 2 To reduce infant mortality rate , maternal mortality rate, total fertility rate, and to increase couple protection rate and immunization coverage specially in rural …

What are the components of national family welfare Programme?

Family Welfare programme includes the following activities:

  • Sterilization Programme.
  • IUD Programme (Intrauterine Device)
  • Contraceptive Programme.
  • Family Planning Insurance Scheme.
  • Janani Surakshya Yojana.
  • Nutrition programme.
  • Urban Family welfare programme.
  • Urban revamping Scheme.

What is the aim of family welfare Programme?

The main objective of family Welfare Programme is to stabilize the population and to provide qualitative health services including immunization to both pregnant mother and children.

What is the aim of national family welfare planning Programme?

India became the first country in the world to formulate a National Family Planning Programme in 1952, with the objective of “reducing birth rate to the extent necessary to stabilise the population at a level consistent with requirement of national economy”.

What is the importance of family welfare Programme?

The family welfare programme introduced in India has its importance on raising prospect of child survival by reducing the child mortality rate. This programme has been creating an environment where the children will be better fed, better cared and well looked after.

What is the role of family welfare Programme?

The basic objective of the Family welfare programme is to stabilize the population and to provide qualitative health services including immunization to both-pregnant mother and children. Services, family planning, Immunization, training etc. comprise a comprehensive health care package.

What are the aims and objectives of family welfare Programme?

The main objective of family Welfare Programme is to stabilize the population and to provide qualitative health services including immunization to both pregnant mother and children. voluntary acceptance. To promote the use of spacing methods.

What are the role of family welfare Programme in population control?

The emphasis of family welfare programs should focus on improving the quality of people’s lives rather than on demographic targets or on birth control in a very narrow sense. Quality of life improvements would entail increased literacy, a higher status for women, reduced infant mortality, and reduced poverty.

What is the importance of family welfare?

Why has the national family planning Programme renamed as the National family welfare Programme?

It was named the National Family Planning Programme. India’s population policy failed during the years of emergency (1975-76). After the Emergency, it was renamed as the National Family Welfare Programme.

When was the National Family Welfare Programme started?

I INTRODUCTION  A Nation-wide family planning programme was launched officially in 1952 by the union ministry of health and family welfare.Govt of india during the first and second five year plans (1951-1961) the programme was taken up in a modesty way with a clinical approach.  COMPONENTS Education Services Training $ research 3.

Who is the presenter of Family Welfare Programme?

FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAMME Presented by: Harsh Rastogi, M.Sc. Nursing 1st year, King George’s Medical University, Institute of Nursing, Lucknow. 2. INTRODUCTION • Family planning means planning by individual or couples to have only the children they want, when they want them, this is responsible parenthood.

Where is the concentration of Family Welfare Programme?

• Concentration in rural area: family welfare programme are concentrated more in rural areas at the level of subentries and primary health center. This is in addition to hospitals at district, state and central levels. • Literacy: There is a direct co-relation between illiteracy and fertility.

What are the aims of Family Welfare in India?

AIMS AND OBJECTIVE OF FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAMME • The Government of India in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has started the operational aims and objective of family welfare programme as follows- • To promote the adoption of small family size norm, on the basis of voluntary acceptance. 11. Cont… • To promote the use of spacing method.

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