Who is the best support champion in lol?

Who is the best support champion in lol?

The 5 most played support champions in League of Legends right…

  1. Thresh.
  2. Lulu.
  3. Yuumi.
  4. Leona.
  5. Lux. We might not be seeing all too much of Lux in pro play, barely any really, but she’s still a top pick overall when it comes to the support role.

What champions are support?

Support Tier List:

  • Optimal (S-tier) = Zilean, Amumu, Blitzcrank, Leona, Lux, Morgana, Nami, Sona, Soraka, Zyra.
  • Great (A-tier) = Xerath, Alistar, Braum, Lulu, Brand, Janna, Karma, Nautilus, Rell, Yuumi.
  • Good (B-tier) = Pyke, Thresh, Bard, Rakan, Shaco, Taliyah, Vel’koz, Senna, Swain, Taric, Maokai, Seraphine.

Who is the best support s11?

Let’s take a look at 5 of the best League of Legends supports in season 11….Combine this with boots of swiftness or mobility and you are good to go.

  • Blitzcrank.
  • Leona.
  • Janna.
  • Lulu.

Is Morgana a support?

Morgana Build 11.22 ranks as an S-Tier pick for the Support role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 51.33% (Average), Pick Rate of 7.26% (High), and a Ban Rate of 3.77% (High)..

Is Swain a support?

Swain is a weird hybrid of a mage and an engage support, he has burst in the laning phase with a great CC all in combo and transitions into being a pseudo-tanky battle mage that can fight up close.

Is Sona a good support?

Sona Is one of the strongest supports in the meta right now. She has the perfect kit, with amazing poke, a strong heal (that comes with a shield if you are in her aura), damage reduction, a movement speed buff, a slow, and a stun.

Is Soraka a bad support?

If you think about it, Soraka is one of the most overpowered supports of League of Legends. She can heal her entire team up in seconds and can even help people across the map with her ultimate. There is nothing more you could ask for from a support champion.

Is Lux a Midlaner?

League of Legends: Lux will be an S tier mid laner after Patch 10.11 buff.

Is Morgana meta?

Statistically, Morgana Is Performing Very Poorly In A Meta Where She Is Supposed To Shine. Morgana has been averaging between 47.5% and 48.5% win rate in every patch since her last nerfs (longer E CD and reduced shield values) around different elos and according to different web sites.

Why is Sona good?

Sona is excellent in team fights due to the added effects her abilities provide her allies with. All she needs to do is not die and stick with her team. She is a god during this phase of the game when it comes to team fights. She will need to be careful about getting picked off, though.

Is Swain broken?

He’s been broken since last year and making him an AP-based champion instead of a pure tank has not changed things. Swain nerfs are on the way, but with most playoffs around the world playing on patch 8.5 still, expect these two champions to be heavily banned in the upcoming stages.

What do you call bots in League of Legends?

The term Bots in League of Legends refers to computer controlled opponent (AI – Artificial Intelligence) available in custom games and Co-op vs. AI matches. Bots can have either “intro”, “beginner” or “intermediate” AI.Intro bots aren’t available to use incustom games and are exclusive to Co-op…

What do support champions do in League of Legends?

Supports are the back bone to any strong team composition, whether its Starting or Stopping a Team Fight to Catching or Peeling Champions. If you support champion pick isn’t what your ADC needs in bot lane, this will almost always spell disaster for the lane phase and in turn the late game Team Fights.

Who are the supports in League of Legends?

The support role in League of Legends can often be a thankless job. A good support can go by relatively unnoticed during the game, but playing poorly gets you ruthlessly flamed. The types of supports in League can be split into three categories: Enchanters, engagers, and poke supports. While there are some champions who crossover

What to do with bottom carry in League of Legends?

Being the most vulnerable, the Bottom Carry has to acquire as much gold as possible to purchase key items that will greatly increase their fighting potential. Within a duo lane, the optimal strategy for earning gold is to designate a single champion to farm while the other is recommended to purchase an economy item.

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