What is a minesweeper vehicle?

What is a minesweeper vehicle?

A minesweeper is a small warship designed to remove or detonate naval mines. Using various mechanisms intended to counter the threat posed by naval mines, minesweepers keep waterways clear for safe shipping.

What is an anti vehicle landmine?

Anti-vehicle landmines are designed to explode when at least 200 kilograms of pressure is applied – or when a car, jeep, truck or tank drives over them. Within each of these categories, there are many subcategories.

Can you out drive a landmine?

Efthimiou said that even going at high speeds, a car wouldn’t be able to move far enough away from a landmine after triggering it to escape the blast. The delay time on modern landmines is just milliseconds – hardly anything at all – so trying to outrun them probably wouldn’t work out so well in real life.

Is Minesweeper good for your brain?

Anybody who’s had a Minesweeper session like that will know the feeling of your mouse hand working in concert with a deep, instinctive level of your brain, clearing mines more quickly than your conscious self can register each decision.

Can a landmine destroy a tank?

An anti-tank mine (abbreviated to “AT mine”) is a type of land mine designed to damage or destroy vehicles including tanks and armored fighting vehicles.

What countries contain landmines?

The areas most affected by land mines include: Egypt (23 million, mostly in border regions); Angola (9-15 million); Iran (16 million); Afghanistan (about 10 million); Iraq (10 million); China (10 million); Cambodia (up to 10 million); Mozambique (about 2 million); Bosnia (2-3 million); Croatia (2 million); Somalia (up …

Who was the first person to invent a landmine?

By the time Europeans arrived in China, landmines were largely forgotten. Europe and the United States At Augsburg in 1573, three centuries after the Chinese invented the first pressure-operated mine, a German military engineer by the name of Samuel Zimmermann invented the Fladdermine (flying mine).

What kind of job does landmine have in Transformers?

Landmine prefers to believe his life is one big Indiana Jones movie. His job takes him into uncharted and dangerous territory, usually after some important artifact, and he’s always willing to leap into these situations with sword or blaster in-hand.

Which is the best definition of a land mine?

An anti-tank mine – the L9 Bar Mine. A land mine is an explosive device concealed under or on the ground and designed to destroy or disable enemy targets, ranging from combatants to vehicles and tanks, as they pass over or near it.

Why did Paul McCartney want to ban landmine?

Paul McCartney wants to ban this Autobot. Landmine prefers to believe his life is one big Indiana Jones movie. His job takes him into uncharted and dangerous territory, usually after some important artifact, and he’s always willing to leap into these situations with sword or blaster in-hand.

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