What is Chapter 13 of The Giver about?

What is Chapter 13 of The Giver about?

In Chapter 13, The Giver transmits a painful memory of an elephant hunt to Jonas, during which an elephant is shot and killed for its tusks.

Why is The Giver banned?

Why ‘The Giver’ Is One Of The Most Banned Books In America In the 2000s it was 23rd, just two spots below “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The most frequently cited reasons to challenge “The Giver” have been “violence” and claims that the book is “unsuited to [the] age group”— or in other words that it’s too dark for children.Shaw. 19, 1435 AH

What is the biggest theme in The Giver?

The Importance of Memory One of the most important themes in The Giver is the significance of memory to human life. Lowry was inspired to write The Giver after a visit to her aging father, who had lost most of his long-term memory.

What page is Chapter 8 in The Giver?

The Receiver himself was not able to describe it, only to remind us that you would be faced with it, that you would need immense courage.” Chapter 8, pg. 63 The Chief Elder adds that there is one more quality needed in a Receiver which she does not understand.

What was Chapter 14 about in The Giver?

Summary. The Giver transmits the memory of another ride on a sled, only this time the sled loses control and Jonas experiences pain and nausea from a badly broken leg. The pain lingers after the experience is over, but the Giver is not allowed to give him relief-of-pain, and Jonas limps home and goes to bed early.

What happens in The Giver Chapter 17?

Four weeks after Jonas stops taking his pills, an unscheduled holiday is declared in the community. His Stirrings have returned, and he has pleasurable dreams that make him feel a little guilty, but he refuses to give up the heightened feelings that the Stirrings and his wonderful memories have given him.

Is The Giver inappropriate?

This is not appropriate reading for a child under 15 and it is required in my daughter’s 7th grade advanced reading class. After reading some of the reviews here and the young ages of the children exposed to the graphic details in this book, I am appalled.

What happened to Fiona’s hair?

It only happens for an instant, and it is just her hair that changes. When he arrives at The Giver’s place after school, Jonas decides to ask him about it. Whatever quality that the apple had and that Fiona’s hair had for a brief moment, this sled has permanently.

What is the main message in The Giver?

The main message of the novel is that choice is not destructive. In this society, the absence of choice is actually more destructive. All choices are made for people, and as a result they act in inhume and immoral ways and don’t even know it.

What was chapter 10 about in The Giver?

The Giver Chapters 10 – 12 Summary. In chapter ten Jonas rides to the House of the Old with Fiona, who is nervous about going in even though she has been there many times before. She tells Jonas she will ride home with him later if they get out at the same time. Jonas walks behind the building the Annex.

What is chapter 9 about in The Giver?

In Chapter 9, Jonas realizes that his life will never be the same as a result of having been selected as the new Receiver of Memory. At the conclusion of the December Ceremony, Jonas immediately feels “separate, different.” People move aside for him to pass, and his peers are unsure of how to act toward him.

Who is the giver in the book The Givers?

At the Ceremony, Jonas learns that he has been selected to become the next Receiver of Memory, the highest position in the community. Jonas begins training under the present Receiver of Memory, an older man whom Jonas calls The Giver. The Giver lives alone in private rooms that are lined with shelves full of books.

Where does Jonas the giver live in the book?

The Giver lives alone in private rooms that are lined with shelves full of books. Jonas’ training involves receiving, from The Giver, all of the emotions and memories of experiences that the people in the community chose to give up to attain Sameness and the illusion of social order.

Who is the receiver of memory in the giver?

At the Ceremony, Jonas learns that he has been selected to become the next Receiver of Memory, the highest position in the community. Jonas begins training under the present Receiver of Memory, an older man whom Jonas calls The Giver.

What did Jonas do to Mo-Lily in the giver?

Jonas went and sat beside them while his father untiedGoing closer, he watched them hack the tusks from a mo- Lily’s hair ribbons and combed her hair. He placed one handtionless elephant on the ground and haul them away, on each of their shoulders.


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