How do I list all tables in Sybase database?

How do I list all tables in Sybase database?

USE myDatabase; GO SELECT * FROM sys. objects WHERE type = ‘U’;

What is schema in Sybase?

A database schema is the collection of all objects in the database. Sybase Central displays a database schema as a hierarchy of containers and their contents. This section describes how to view the schema of a database.

How do I get a list of tables in SQL?

SQL command to list all tables in Oracle

  1. Show all tables owned by the current user: SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
  2. Show all tables in the current database: SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables;
  3. Show all tables that are accessible by the current user:

What are proxy tables in Sybase?

A proxy table is a local table containing metadata which points to a remote object, and are the key to location transparency. The remote table is mapped to the proxy table to make it appear as if it were a local table.

How to get list of all tables in Sybase?

In order to get a list of all tables in the current database, you can filter the sysobjects table by type = ā€˜Uā€™ e.g.: In order to get the number of rows of each table, you can use the row_count function.

How to get a list of all tables in a database?

In order to get a list of all tables in the current database, you can filter the sysobjects table by type = ā€˜Uā€™ e.g.: select convert (varchar (30), AS table_name from sysobjects o where type = ‘U’ order by table_name

Is the POS using a Sybase database?

The POS is using a Sybase database running on one of our servers. The database schema is very convoluted. I’ve been able to figure out most of the schema to gain access to the data I need, however, there are a few things still left to find.

How to search for text in Sybase database?

IT is not easy in especially SybaseASE. You can write custom tool to BCP out data in files and then grep those files to search for particular text that you want to look for. You can use PERL regex to do as well or use native Unix/Linux commands to parse those files and find the required text that you want to look for.

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