What is a scab Apush?

What is a scab Apush?

Scab. a non-union worker who usually worked for low wages. They were used as strike breakers since they were not part of a union.

What are blacklists Apush?

Blacklisting was the term for the business practice of creating lists of people who had committed misdemeanors or other suspicious acts so that companies would know to not hire them. This excluded many from the workforce.

What were wage slaves Apush?

People whose livelihood depends on how much they make, they were given very poor working conditions and very low pay, they would work to earn what ever they could and it was like slavery because of how poorly they were treated, and how low they were paid. You just studied 30 terms!

What was the Pittsburgh plus?

The Pittsburgh Plus Pricing System was designed by steel lords (like Carnegie and Morgan) in the North to keep the South at an economic disadvantage in the steel industry. The steel lords put pressure on the railroads to charge the goods with a fictional fee as if they had been shipped from pittsburgh.

What is the purpose of unions Apush?

A union of skilled workers from one or more trades which focused on collective bargaining (negotiation between labor and management) to reach written agreements on wages hours and working conditions.

What is a frontier Apush?

What was the frontier? A line that separated east and west (civilization and wilderness) Throughout history, it shifted further west.

Who was Henry Ford Apush?

1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents., The pioneer in the manufacturing of affordable automobiles with his Model T, which was built using assembly line methods.

What were the black forties?

In the 1840s, the “Black Forties,” many Irish came to America because of a potato rot that induced a famine through Ireland. Most of the Irish were Roman-Catholic. They were politically powerful because they bonded together as one large voting body.

What were factory girls Apush?

The system used domestic labor, often referred to as mill girls, who came to the new textile centers from rural towns to earn more money than they could at home, and to live a cultured life in “the city”.

Who were the big four Apush?

The Big Four were the four most important leaders, and the most important ones at the Paris Peace Conference. They were Woodrow Wilson- USA, David Lloyd George- UK, George Clemenceau- France, and Vittorio Orlando- Italy. an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations.

Who was William Seward Apush?

William Seward (1801-1872) was a politician who served as governor of New York, as a U.S. senator and as secretary of state during the Civil War (1861-65).

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