What are the columns in iftop?

What are the columns in iftop?

At the bottom edge, iftop shows the transmitted TX, received RX, and TOTAL data transfers. The second column shows the cumulative values over the observed period. The three columns on the right show the cumulative progress in the previous 2, 10, and 40 seconds. Iftop doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles.

How to understand iftop?

Using iftop you can identify which host is responsible for slowing down your network. To find out which process is causing the problem, note down the port number from the iftop and use netstat -p to identify the process. iftop monitors your network activity, and displays a table of current bandwidth.

What does iftop do?

iftop is used to view the current bandwidth on a network interface. It listens to network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts. iftop must be run by a root user or a user who has sufficient privileges to monitor network bandwidths.

How to stop iftop?

Iftop Options and Usage Press ‘ q ‘ to quit from running windows.

What is the difference between Iftop and Iptraf command?

Iptraf is much more detailed in its output compared to iftop command. Iptraf shows traffic summery based on the protocol of the traffic. It shows the summery for tcp,udp,icmp,ip traffic in its output. It also comes handy to find out checksum errors in the packet send and received.

What is the difference between iftop and Iptraf command?

What is wlo1?

wlo1 is a wireless network interface (NIC). You can use the command iwlist scan to scan the wireless NICs for available WiFi SSIDs.

What is the IPtraf tool?

IPtraf is an ncurses-based IP LAN monitoring tool that can be used to monitor inbound and outbound network traffic for connections such as TCP, UDP, ICMP, non-IP counts, and Ethernet load information.

What is iftop and what does it do?

iftop is a Linux command-line program designed to give you live statistics about what network connections use the most bandwidth in a nice graphical form.

What does The iftop command do in Ubuntu?

By default iftop command displays the bandwidth usage of the first available Ethernet device. Or you can also specify an interface using the -i option. While iftop is running, you can press any one of the following keys to display more output.

How do I install iftop in my terminal?

To install iftop if not installed, just press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command (s) below: By default iftop command displays the bandwidth usage of the first available Ethernet device. Or you can also specify an interface using the -i option.

What does the bar graph on iftop show?

At the very top of the screen is a scale that goes along with the bar graph iftop might display with each connection. The next rows of output correspond to each network connection between a pair of hosts. In between the two hosts are arrows that let you know the direction the traffic is flowing.

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