Is top margin attribute of body tag?

Is top margin attribute of body tag?

Browser support: Specifies the thickness of the top margin in the document body.

How do you give a top margin in CSS?

The margin-top property is specified as the keyword auto , or a , or a . Its value can be positive, zero, or negative.

What is the importance of top margin attribute of body tag?

topmargin Sets a topmargin distance between the top of the document and the top of the browser window of your body element. Syntax e.g. Topmargin LearCBSE is the best website for CBSE students.

Is the attribute of HR tag?

The tag is an empty tag, and it does not require an end tag….HTML Tag.

Attribute Value Description
Align left center right Used to specify the alignment of the horizontal rule.
size pixels Used to specify the height of the horizontal rule.
width pixels Used to specify the width of the horizontal rule.

Which attribute of the body tag is used to set the top margin of the web page?

Explanation: Left margin and top margin are the attributes that are used to set the margin in a web page.

How do you make a top margin?

The margin property sets the margins for an element, and is a shorthand property for the following properties: margin-top….margin: 10px 5px 15px 20px;

  1. top margin is 10px.
  2. right margin is 5px.
  3. bottom margin is 15px.
  4. left margin is 20px.

How do you select a strong tag?

Use the element to draw attention to certain text without indicating a higher level of importance. Use the element to mark text that has stress emphasis. Another accepted use for is to denote the labels of paragraphs which represent notes or warnings within the text of a page.

What is the significance of left margin attribute of body tag?

Browser support: Sets the left margin for the document body in pixels.

What are the five attributes of an HR tag?

Specific Attributes

Attribute Value
align left right center
noshade noshade
size pixels or %
width pixels or %

What are attributes of body tag?


Attribute Description
background Image to be used a background
bgcolor Background color
link Color of text for unvisited hyperlinks
onafterprint Function to call user has printed document

What are the margins used for in CSS?

CSS margins are used to create space around the element. We can set the different size of margins for individual sides (top, right, bottom, left). 1. Length in cm, px, pt, etc. 2. Width % of the element.

How to control margin on the top of an element in HTML?

All of the styling and display attributes of the (and all other elements) have been deprecated in HTML5. You can control the margins on the body using CSS. The CSS property for just the margin on the top of an element is margin-top (not topmargin). However, it is usually a better idea to use padding on the , rather than margin.

When to use padding or topmargin in CSS?

The CSS property for just the margin on the top of an element is margin-top (not topmargin ). However, it is usually a better idea to use padding on the , rather than margin. This is because any background properties you set ( background-color, background-image) will be displayed within the bounds of the padding,…

Is it OK to remove the margin on a HTML page?

Resetting all paddings and margins to 0 can cause a lot of side effects. Then it’s better to remove margin-top for this specific headline. Some HTML elements have predefined margins (namely: body, h1 to h6, p, fieldset, form, ul, ol, dl, dir, menu, blockquote and dd ). In your case it’s the h1 causing your problem.

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