What is a C7 spinal injury?

What is a C7 spinal injury?

When a nerve in the spinal cord is injured, the nerve location and number are often used to describe how much damage there is. For example, a C7 injury is associated with the seventh cervical nerve of the neck and its effect on feeling and movement.

What does C7 control?

C7 helps control the triceps (the large muscle on the back of the arm that straightens the elbow) and wrist extensor muscles. 1,3. The C7 dermatome goes down the back of the arm and into the middle finger.

What part of the body does C7 affect?

The C7 myotome is a group of muscles controlled by the C7 nerve. These muscles include those involved in straightening the elbow, lifting the wrist, elongating the fingers to an outstretched hand, and the triceps muscle in the upper arm.

What is the functional potential of a patient with C7 tetraplegia?

Individuals with C7 tetraplegia have the functional ability to extend their elbow, which greatly enhances their mobility and self-care skills. C7 is usually the highest level at which patients can have an injury and still be able to live independently.

What does C7 and C8 control?

The C6 and C7 cervical vertebrae (and the C8 spinal nerve) form the lowest levels of the cervical spine and directly impact the arm and hand muscles.

Can you walk after a C7 spinal cord injury?

Fortunately, it is possible for many SCI survivors. There is potential to walk again after SCI because the spinal cord has the ability to reorganize itself and make adaptive changes called neuroplasticity.

How is a C7 fracture treated?

Immobilization. Using a neck brace or collar after an acute injury, such as fracture, may help promote healing of tissues and prevent further injury. Physical therapy. Physical therapy can help strengthen neck muscles, improve posture, and increase range of motion after a C6-C7 motion segment injury.

What muscles insert on C7?

Rhomboids – these rhombus shaped muscles originate from the spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae (C7 to T5) and attach to the shoulder blade. The rhomboids main action is to pull the shoulder blades back (scapular retraction).

What is the goal of therapy for the patient with a spinal cord injury?

The goal of SCI rehabilitation is to help the patient return to the highest level of function and independence possible, while improving the overall quality of life – physically, emotionally, and socially.

Which functional capability would be expected in a client with a spinal cord injury at C6?

Spinal Cord Injury Functional Goals

Level Abilities
C6 Has movement in head, neck, shoulders, arms and wrists. Can shrug shoulders, bend elbows, turn palms up and down and extend wrists.
C7 Has similar movement as an individual with C6, with added ability to straighten his/her elbows.

What is a C8 injury?

A C8 spinal cord injury refers to damage at the nerve roots between the C7 and T1 vertebrae. While individuals with C8 spinal cord injuries generally can control movement in their arms, they may experience weakness and loss of sensation in the hands, trunk, and lower body.

Why is C7 prominent?

The seventh cervical vertebra is known as the vertebra prominens because of its prominent spinous process (Fig. 5-14). Because of its large spinous process and its location at the base of the neck, C7 serves as an attachment site for many muscles.

How do you cure spinal cord injury?

Long-term Treatment of a Spinal Cord Injury. To start, medication, such as corticosteroids, may be prescribed to reduce swelling and inflammation associated with a spinal cord injury. Surgery may be required for certain spinal cord injury victims.

What are the signs of a spinal cord injury?

Some common signs and symptoms of a spinal cord injury include loss of feeling or paralysis, decreased muscle strength, loss of bladder control, difficulty standing or pain.

What is the prognosis for spinal cord injury?

Prognosis of Spinal cord injury. Prognosis of Spinal cord injury: People who survive a spinal cord injury will most likely have medical complications such as chronic pain and bladder and bowel dysfunction, along with an increased susceptibility to respiratory and heart problems.

What do you need to know about spinal cord injuries?

Severity. There are two factors that determine the severity of your spinal cord injuries: the location of the injury and the severity of it.

  • Symptoms. There are several symptoms of a spinal cord injury.
  • Common Causes.
  • When To See A Doctor.
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