How do I contact Currys business?

How do I contact Currys business?

For business sales enquiries – Call us on 0344 561 6789.

How can I contact Currys PC World?

Please contact us on 0344 561 1234 or contact us here to book your product for a repair.

How do I get in touch with PC world?

If you’re worried about a missing order or want to arrange a return or repair, Currys PC World is operating its customer service through live chat and via Twitter and Facebook. You can also phone on 0344 561 1234 (9am-6pm Monday-Friday and 10am-5pm on Sundays).

What is the difference between Currys and Currys Business?

About Currys Business Currys Business is part of Currys, Europe’s leading specialist electrical and telecommunications retailer and service provider. We’re here to provide expert advice, so you can find the right technology to suit you and your business.

Is Currys an American company?

Currys is a British electrical retailer operating in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, owned by Currys plc and selling home electronics and home appliances. In 1984 the company was bought by rival retailer Dixons, and the Currys brand was used for all outlets of the combined company.

How does contact team know?

If this is the case, you can register another account using the receipt details for your purchased product – or just call us on 0344 561 1234 and we’ll get it sorted.

How do I file a complaint against Currys?

Dixons Carphone PLC

  1. Visit Customer Services.
  2. Email Customer Services on [email protected].
  3. Call Customer Services on 0344 561 1234.
  4. Tweet Currys Customer Service.
  5. Tweet Currys & PC World.

Can you speak Currys?

If you need to speak to someone, you can call us on 0344 561 0000.

Is Currys business part of Currys?

Currys Business is part of Currys, Europe’s leading specialist electrical and telecommunications retailer and service provider. With over 30,000 business products available, whatever you need we’ve got it covered.

Is Currys PC World a limited company?

Company Details Currys Business is a trading division of Currys Group Limited (Registered number: 504877) and Currys Retail Limited (Registered no: 2142673), both with registered offices at 1 Portal Way, London, W3 6RS.

Who is the CEO of Team knowhow?

Jan Kowal – CEO – Currys | LinkedIn.

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