What does Kodus mean?

What does Kodus mean?

1 : praise given for achievement. 2 : fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement : prestige.

What does kudos mean in text?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: Respect for Good Work
Type: Slang Word (Jargon)
Guessability: 2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults

What is meant by kudos to you?

Kudos is admiration or recognition that someone or something gets as a result of a particular action or achievement. …a new hotel chain that has won kudos for the way it treats guests. [ + for] Synonyms: prestige, regard, honour, praise More Synonyms of kudos.

Is Kudos the same as congratulations?

“Kudos,” “well-done,” and other words of praise are forms of congratulations, or an expression of approval and acclaim. Congratulations are expressed for good wishes on a special occasion, not just an accomplishment.

Is it correct to say kudos to you?

Therefore, there is no such thing as a single “kudo” and to use that term would be a mistake. Instead, kudos can be applied as a way to compliment or congratulate someone one a job well done. Kudos for that witty statement! Great job on acing that exam — kudos to you!

Is kudos the same as congratulations?

Is kudos a bad word?

Kudos means “praise” or “glory” and is often used where “congratulations” would fit too. —just as the words praise and glory are singular. However, because kudos ends in S and congratulations is plural, some people mistakenly believe that kudos is plural and use kudo as a singular form. That’s just wrong.

Can I say kudos?

Don’t use “kudo” or treat “kudos” as a plural. Not so fast, some usage experts say. “Kudos” and its pipsqueak offspring “kudo,” they contend, are words in transition. “Kudo” is a “false singular,” that is, a singular form created when an already singular word (“kudos”) is mistakenly thought to be plural.

Is kudos a real word?

Kudos is a noun that means “praise, honor, or acclaim.” Kudo is the singular version of kudos, but kudos is also singular. Kudos comes from the Greek word kydos, which means praise or renown. Kudos are usually offered in response to an exceptional achievement.

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